Sunday 10 March 2013

History Weighs Heavily on Cambodia’s Human Rights Struggle

By Youk Chhang

More than 30 years after the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodia is still struggling to build a strong foundation for human rights. 

The U.N. and other international partners have helped us begin dealing with Khmer Rouge impunity and create space to talk more openly about our history and our human rights.

Renewed interest in the region, showcased by U.S. President Barack Obama’s recent visit, also holds tremendous opportunities for progress in these arenas. But we must be cognizant that history often stands in the way of our optimistic visions for the future.

Human rights and history are interconnected, because to have a conversation about one inevitably requires an interpretation of the other. This is what has made the Khmer Rouge tribunal so valuable.
By opening a dialogue on some of the most sensitive and controversial parts of their history, Cambodians have been forced to confront basic questions on human rights, the rule of law, and the relationship between a government and its people.

The next step in this national conversation is to educate youth about genocide and the role of law in a just society.

For rights to be sustainable, they must be cultivated at the grassroots. That does not mean we must cease to engage with Cambodia’s political and economic leaders. Building a stronger human rights foundation in Cambodia and the Asean region is a cornerstone to economic integration and participation within the global community.

Mr. Obama’s visit to Cambodia was an important part of that process, as Cambodians look to the U.S. more than any other country as a beacon for leadership on human rights and democracy issues, as well as what can be achieved by a free and fair market system.

We also see Mr. Obama’s visit to Burma as an important opportunity to help foster reconciliation and the rule of law in that country. Burma and Cambodia share many similarities in religion, culture, and political dynamics. One country’s progress in democracy and human rights will help provide encouragement and offer a useful guide for improvement in the other.
In both cases, persuading countries to respect human rights from the top down is unlikely to be effective. We need bold new strategies—the Middle East and North Africa offer possible lessons.
The events and processes that fueled the Arab Spring show that diplomatic pressure on human rights and democratic reform often pales beside the effects of education and expanded access to information.

Governments evolve most sustainably when they do so at the request of an empowered citizenry and civil society actors. Educational initiatives and social dialogue, facilitated by the media, are key vehicles for fostering an informed public ready to encourage the rule of law.
In the stream of history, the impetus for societal change involves a multitude of actors. State-to-state meetings offer an opportunity to catalyze change, but sustainable evolution ultimately depends on building the local capacity to develop and defend basic rights.

Youk Chhang is the director of the Documentation Center of Cambodia.

© 2012, The Cambodia Daily. All rights reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in print, electronically, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without written permission.



Academics are judged on their ability to conduct researches that produce result which are useful to humanity; results that helps to address issues and problems in society; and produces knew knowledge that add to existing literature. School of Educational Studies is committed to producing graduate students with high quality skills and competence in research relating to educational issues, pedagogy, child development, learning theories, sociological and psychological issues in education amidst others. In line with this commitment, the school using the available excellent research facilities and well experienced faculty members provides high quality training to graduate research students in the school. Thus, the school has over the years built a good reputation in graduating student that demonstrates outstanding performance in educational research. To maintain this, the school in collaboration with the postgraduate students association conducts series of workshops and students’ discussion forums on monthly bases; such workshops and forums are directed towards enhancing the research skills of the postgraduate research students in the school. In line with consideration, the postgraduate students association of the school in collaboration with the school is proposing to a number of such workshops and students’ discussion forums from February to December, 2013 as presented in this paper work for the school consideration and approval.

AIMS OF THE PROGRAMMEThe workshops and students discussion forums are aimed:
Enhancing the research skills of the graduate research students in the school;
Provides an avenue for the graduate research students to meet, discuss, share experiences and collaborate with one another on issues relating to research activities.

The main objectives of the workshop are to: 
provide a platform for information exchange and knowledge sharing;
help the graduate student in understanding ethical issues relating to research activities and publications; and the implication of plagiarism on academics and their institutions of affiliation;
improve the graduate students’ knowledge and skills of developing research frameworks, data collection and analysis; and, skills of writing for research publications;
provide a forum where graduate research students can meet and discuss between themselves without the presence of faculty members on issues relating to the process of building:
good problem statement for research studies
good conceptual and theoretical frameworks for research studies
good literature review for research studies
helping the graduate research students to have a proper understanding of different research designs and their applications in educational studies

Workshop DetailsThe topics selected for the workshops as listed below are based on the graduate research students request sent to the postgraduate students association. The dates of the workshops would announce when confirmed via email and on this web site.

Prepared by: Sani Alhaji Garba
                     PERSILA President

Endorsed by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. HAZRI JAMIL
                                  PERSILA Advisor
                                  Deputy Dean (Research & Publiation), SES-USM.

                       Dean, School of Educational Studies,
                       Universiti Sains Malaysia.

CALL FOR PAPER: 2 nd International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE) 5 th -6 th June 2013

Theme: Towards Sustaining Quality, International Networking and Collaboration in Postgraduate Research in Education 

The Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies (PERSILA), USM in collaboration with the Postgraduate Students Association of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia announces the call for papers for postgraduate students to participate in the 2nd International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE-2013). The International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE) is an annual international event organised by the Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Postgraduate Students Association of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The program is intended to provide a platform for postgraduate research students to establish international research network and collaboration; and, a forum for the postgraduate students to present and discuss their research findings in conference sessions.

We are therefore inviting postgraduate students to submit their research papers for presentation at IPCoRE-2013. Papers to be submitted should be but not restricted to the following arrears of research in education:

1.      Science and Mathematics Education
  a)      Science Education
  b)      Mathematics Education
  c)      Vocational and Technical Education
  d)     Science, Technology and Society
  e)      Education for Sustainable Development

  2.      Curriculum and Instruction
  a)      Curriculum Studies
  b)      Primary Education
  c)      Early Childhood Education
  d)     Multicultural Education
  e)      Distance Education

3.      Educational Psychology, Psychometric and Counselling
  a)      Educational Psychology
  b)      Guidance and Counselling
  c)      Psychometric and Education Evaluation
  d)     Statistics and Research Methodology
  e)      Special Education for Diverse Needs

4.      Professional Education, Leadership and Policy Studies
  a)      Comparative Education
  b)      Educational Management and Leadership
  c)      Educational Planning and Policies Studies
  d)     Life-long Learning
  e)      International Education and Globalisation
  f)       Higher Education
  g)      Professional and Teacher Education

5.      Multimedia Education and Information Technology
  a)      Educational Technology
  b)      Multimedia and IT
  c)      Computer Assisted Instructions
  d)     Virtual Learning and Internet

6.      Social and Philosophy of Education
a)      History of Education and Development
b)      Sociology of Education
  c)      Philosophy of Education
  d)     Comparative Education

7.      Language Education and Literacy
  a)      English Language Education/TESOL
  b)      Malay Language and Literacy Education
  c)      Second Language Learning

8.      Social Studies Education
  a)      Economy and Commerce Education
  b)      Geography Education
  c)      Physical and Sport Education
  d)     History Education
  e)      Ethics, Moral and Religious Educations.

Participants can submit and presents their research papers for presentation in a conference sessions during the Colloquium. Intending presenters should submit their abstract in words or pdf file by email to any of the following email addresses on or before 15th of April, 2013:




All abstract submitted would be double blind reviewed and participants would get the feedback on or before 30th of April 2013. Participants whose abstracts are accepted are to submit their full papers by email to the above email addresses before 15th of May, 2013. All papers presented would be published online and in hard copies in the colloquium proceedings.

Guidelines for submission of abstract and full paper
The abstract should not exceed 200 words; it should start with the title of the paper (Times New Roman, 14 size font and bold using center alignment). Names of authors in full should be placed below the title (Times New Roman, 12 size font and center alignment). If the authors are two the names of the two authors should be separated with ‘and’; but if more than two, the names should be separated with coma (,) and the last two names with ‘and’. Author’s affiliation should be placed below the authors’ names (Times New Romans, 12 size font and center alignment. After the authors’ affiliation, the word ‘abstract’ should be written in capital and bold, 12 size font and left alignment.

The main body of the abstract should be 10 size fonts, justified, one line spacing, Times New Romans without indenting. The abstract should provide an overview of the study design, methodology and findings. Below the main body of the abstract should have the key words (key words should be in capital and bold, 12 size fonts, Times New Romans) then column (:) before words.

The main body of the article should be in Times New Romans, 12 size fonts, 1.5 lines spacing and justified. Headings should be bold and in capital letters while sub-headings should be italics. Authors should use the APA (5th or 6th edition). The full paper should not exceed 20 pages in word (doc.) file and should have the following outlook:

  d.      FINDINGS
  e.       DISCUSSION
  g.      ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (optional and if any)
  h.      REFERENCE.


All categories of presenters are to register on arrival as follows:

1.      Participants from School of Educational Studies, USM = RM 80 (USD 27)

2.      Other participants from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) = RM 100 (USD 34)

3.      Participants from other institutions of higher learning within Malaysia = RM 150 (USD 51)

4.      International Participants = RM 250 (USD 84)

5.      Delegates from Bandung University of Education Indonesia (registration covered under the MOU between Scholl of Educational Studies, USM and the Department of Education, National University of Education, Bandung Indonesia).

Further Inquiries
For further inquiries, please contact:

1.      Sani Alhaji Garba


Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, USM (PERSILA)


2.      Rosli Yosuf

Vice President

Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, USM (PERSILA)


3.      Sam Rany


+60 175063234

Thursday 7 March 2013

Graduates lacking skills: report

Morality training key to success

No CPP, no development: Hun Sen

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Tourism surges in Cambodia

The number of international tourists in Cambodia increased by 24.4 per cent from 2.88 million in 2011 to 3.58 million in 2012, according to data from the Ministry of Tourism.

The most significant increases came from the Kingdom’s closest neighbours.

Laos nearly doubled in visitor numbers to over 250,000 and Thailand, which had declined year on year in 2011 by 21.7 per cent, increased in 2012 by 72.5 per cent to over 200,000 visitors.
Visitors from Vietnam account for the largest group coming to Cambodia, making up 21 per cent of total visitors in 2012.

Tith Chantha, director general of the Ministry of Tourism, said improved transport and rising incomes across ASEAN are increasing travel options for Cambodia and its neighbours.

“Vietnam is number one, but Laos and Thailand are also now increasing because of ease of travel and low visa [restrictions], so neighbouring countries can come any time,” he said.

“Cambodians also go to those countries. Many tourists go to Thailand and to Laos. This intra-regional travel is [happening] more and more.”

This represents a trend across ASEAN, with an increase of 37.5 per cent from 2011 to 2012 of over 1.51 million tourists.

Sinan Thourn, chairman of the Pacific Asia Travel Association, said improved political relations and lighter travel restrictions inter-regionally have had a large impact.

“In the past before 2008, arrivals from Thailand were quite good, but then we had the problems along the borders and it decreased. But after the Pheu Thai win in the general election in Thailand, you have seen the numbers increasing,” he said.

“Due to the policies opening up ASEAN countries, all the ASEAN countries [enable] moving in and out more easily. This will be a key in increasing tourism from ASEAN countries,” he added.

Cambodia continues to be very popular with Chinese tourists, with nearly 334,000 visitors arriving in 2012, an increase of 35.1 per cent from the previous year.

While Europe made just up just17.1 per cent of total visitors in 2012, the rate of increase was up slightly from 10.9 per cent in 2011 to 12.6 per cent in 2012.

Chantha said, “Numbers of Europeans have increased, if you take Russia, for example, it increased around 50 per cent. France, Germany and UK have [also] increased, but the share [of European visitors] is down because the share of the Asia-Pacific is up.”

Letter to editor: Melissa Cockroft

Dear editor,

Valentine’s Day 2013 again saw debate rage in the media about the negative influence of “Western culture”, the importance of Cambodian women maintaining their virginity and the subsequent actions by local authorities.

In regard to the issue of culture, when asked what their plans were to celebrate the day, young people seemed quick to comment: “It’s not our tradition”; “It’s not related to Cambodian culture at all” (Lift, February 13).

But whether Cambodians like it or not, Valentine’s Day is becoming a part of Cambodian culture, and the way it is currently interpreted – as the day to lose your virginity - is a uniquely Cambodian cultural creation.

A simple internet search will show that the origins of Valentine’s Day, although European, were not specifically related to sex or losing one’s virginity.

In “Western” culture, which is typically blamed for Valentine’s Day’s “scourge” on Cambodian society, the day has largely been taken over by marketing and advertising agencies as a day for sharing “romance” with your loved one(s) through hallmark cards, chocolates, flowers and candle-lit dinners for two that, in turn, may lead to sex, but is not the essence of the day as it seems to be re-interpreted in Cambodia.

While the almost universal disregard for the possibility that Valentine’s Day, as currently celebrated in Cambodia, could be anything but “Cambodian” is frustrating, what is more worrying is the response by local authorities.

Reports of municipal police and local authorities staking out guesthouses and patrolling the streets for “young lovers” is an infringement of individual rights to mobility and sexual autonomy.

​As experience with groups such as sex workers in Cambodia has shown, policing and “crackdowns” on perceived anti-social behaviour merely pushes the behaviour underground, creating an environment in which risky sexual behaviour, exposure to sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, abortion and exposure to violence are more likely to occur.

As a result of these lessons learned, the Cambodian Ministry of Health and local authorities have adopted a harm-reduction approach through education and health-care provision, which has been more effective in halting the spread of HIV/AIDS than arrests and harassment.

A similar harm-reduction approach whereby providing young people with access to information, contraception and youth-friendly healthcare services would be far more effective at minimising potentially risky behaviour than stationing commune officials outside guesthouses.

Finally, as Keo Kounila’s excellent article “How the Kingdom could show more love” (Phnom Penh Post 7Days, February 15) accurately pointed out, young people are engaging in sex, not only on Valentine’s Day but on every other day of the year too.

Although the Ministry of Education and others encouraged  women to “not give away their virginity”, young men’s involvement was almost completely ignored.

The few times men did appear, it was usually as a warning for young women through simplistic examples such as  “Dara”, whose voice alone causes women to give in to his sexual advances (“Dara and his many girlfriends”, Lift, February13) .

While not denying that cases such as these exist, focusing on the worst characters of society denies the existence of more positive role models and examples of loving, healthy sexual relationships.
Although the role of young men in Cambodian society needs to be further highlighted, the role of young women’s agency, rather than vulnerability, also needs to be emphasized.
It needs to be acknowledged that the decision to have sex doesn’t just occur because it’s Valentine’s Day, but is a part of often-complex human relationships.

It’s important that we empower young women and men with the tools and knowledge to protect themselves from both potentially harmful sexually transmitted diseases and the effects of unintended pregnancy, but also with the emotional maturity to know when they’re ready to have sex and be able to refuse sex when they feel they’re not.

It’s also time to acknowledge that young Cambodian men and women are having sex, and that this is a normal, healthy expression of female and male sexuality, not an imposed Western construct.
Instead of encouraging young women to remain chaste, the Ministry of Education would be better off focusing their efforts on developing a curriculum that provides comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and to establish the foundation for building caring sexual relationships.

As for the Phnom Penh municipal police and local authorities, they would be better placed focusing their efforts on patrolling the streets for real acts of crime, not the act of sex.

Melissa Cockroft

Free IELTS Masterclass for IELTS Candidates in Cambodia

English has more and more become a language that provides an avenue for overseas scholarships, work, business and other opportunities internationally.

The vast majority of scholarships available to Cambodians have English language proficiency as an eligibility requirement - quite often demonstrated through the IELTS test.

Universities in Australia, Canada, the UK, the USA or New Zealand usually require their students to have an IELTS score of 6.5 or above.

Therefore scholarships to these countries available to Cambodians every year require the same band score for direct entry into universities or an IELTS score of at least 5.0 with further English language training provided.

IELTS is the world’s leading English language test for higher education and migration. More than 7,000 universities, government bodies and professional organisations in over 135 countries accept IELTS scores. IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations.

IELTS tests all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS is available in two test formats: Academic and General Training. The Academic format is, broadly speaking, for those who want to study or train in an English-speaking university or institutions of higher and further education. Admission to undergraduate and postgraduate courses is based on the results of the Academic test.

The General Training format focuses on basic survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts. It is typically for those who are going to English-speaking countries to do secondary education, work experience or training programs. People migrating to Australia, Canada and New Zealand must sit the General Training test.

The IELTS has a nine band score system and the test score is valid for two years.
For those who want to understand more about IELTS in order to apply for scholarships or to study overseas, they are welcome to come to the IELTS Masterclass which will be conducted by the Cambodia IELTS test centre.

These classes are open to the public at no cost to participants.
For more information on IELTS or about the IELTS Masterclass visit the Cambodia IDP website.

Sunday 17 February 2013

GERMANY: New education and research minister sworn in after Schavan resigns

The 2024 Workshops for Foreign Confucius Institute Directors on June 13-21, 2024 at Sichuan Province, China

My sincere thanks and gratitude go to my respectful Rector, H.E. Sok Khorn , and the Chinese Confucius Institute Director, Prof. Yi Yongzhon...