Tuesday 26 June 2012

លោក ស ខេង៖ ត្រូវលុបបំបាត់គ្រឿងញៀនឲ្យអស់នៅត្រឹម ឆ្នាំ២០១៥

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 09:10 ដោយៈ គង់ សិរីរ័ត្ន-សៅ ដារ៉ានី : Posted : ID-011
ភ្នំពេញ៖ ដើម្បីចូលរួមលុប បំបាត់គ្រឿង ញៀន នៅឆ្នាំ២០១៥ ដែលជាគោលដៅ របស់អាស៊ាន លោក ស ខេង ឧបនាយករដ្ឋមន្រ្តី និងជារដ្ឋមន្រ្តី ក្រសួង មហាផ្ទៃ បានអំពាវនាវឲ្យអង្គការជាតិ និងអន្តរជាតិ ព្រមទំាងដៃ គូពាក់ព័ន្ធទំាងអស់ ត្រូវចូលរួមអប់រំ ប្រជាជន ធ្វើយ៉ាងណា ជៀសឲ្យផុត ពីការប្រើប្រាស់គ្រឿងញៀន។

ថ្លែងក្នុងទិវាអន្តរជាតិ ប្រយុទ្ធប្រឆំាង គ្រឿងញៀន នៅថ្ងៃទី២៦ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១២ លោក ស ខេង បានបញ្ជាក់ថា កម្ពុជាមិនមែន ជាប្រទេសផលិត គ្រឿងញៀនទេ ប៉ុន្តែកម្ពុជាកំពុងទទួលរងនូវ ផលប៉ះពាល់ពីគ្រឿងញៀនដូចបណ្តាប្រទេសនានា ក្នុងតំបន់ និង លើពិភពលោកផងដែរ។ ដោយលោក អំពាវនាវឲ្យ អាជ្ញាធរជាតិប្រយុទ្ធប្រឆំាងគ្រឿងញៀន កាកបាទក្រហមកម្ពុជា ក្រសួង ស្ថាប័ន ពាក់ព័ន្ធ ដៃគូអភិវឌ្ឍ អង្គការសង្គម ស៊ីវិលជាតិ-អន្តរជាតិ វិស័យឯកជន និងថ្នាក់​ដឹកនាំ​គ្រប់លំដាប់ថ្នាក់ ទំាងផ្នែកពុទ្ធចក្រ និងអាណាចក្រ ប្រឹងប្រែងឲ្យអស់លទ្ធភាពក្នុងការផ្សព្វផ្សាយ អប់រំប្រជាពលរដ្ឋឲ្យជៀសផុតពីការប្រើប្រាស់គ្រឿងញៀន។

លោកបានបន្តថា មុនទសវត្សរ៍ឆ្នាំ៩០ ទំាងការផលិត ការចរាចរណ៍ឆ្លងកាត់ និងការប្រើ​ប្រាស់​គ្រឿងញៀន មិនមាននៅក្នុងទឹកដី កម្ពុជាទេ។ ប៉ុន្តែបន្ទាប់ពីការបើកចំហរទីផ្សារ ស្ថានភាព​គ្រឿងញៀនក្នុងប្រទេសមានការប្រែប្រួលគួរឲ្យកត់សម្គាល់ និងគួរឲ្យយក ចិត្តទុកដាក់ជាទីបំផុត។

ទន្ទឹមនឹងនេះដែរ លោកស ខេង បានលើកយកបញ្ហាមួយចំនួនទាក់ទងគ្រឿងញៀនជាពិសេសពលករឆ្លងដែន កុមារអនាថា កម្មករ ក្នុងទីក្រុង មួយចំនួននៃភាគពាយ័ព្យ ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាបានធ្លាក់ខ្លួនប្រើប្រាស់គ្រឿងញៀន ដោយហេតុតែពួកគេមិនបានយល់ដឹងពីឥទ្ធិពល គ្រោះថ្នាក់នៃគ្រឿង ញៀនគ្រប់ប្រភេទ ហើយក្លាយខ្លួនជាជនរងគ្រោះដែលភាគច្រើន ដែល ជាក្រុមមនុស្សមានអាយុពី១០ឆ្នាំ ដល់៣៥ឆ្នាំ បណ្តាលឲ្យគ្រួសារ ទទួលរងភាពឈឺចាប់ អំពើហិង្សាញ៉ាំញី ភាពក្រីក្រ ហើយសាមីខ្លួន​ដែលប្រើ​គ្រឿងញៀន ត្រូវចុះទ្រុឌទ្រោម សុខភាពយ៉ាងធ្ងន់ធ្ងរ ទទួលរងភាពអាម៉ាស់ខូចអនាគត និងបាត់បង់កក្តិយសក្នុងសង្គមថែមទៀតផង។

គួរបញ្ជាក់ថា ក្នុងកិច្ចប្រជុំកំពូលអាស៊ានលើកទី២០ ដែលប្រារព្ធធ្វើឡើងនៅរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ បណ្តាមេដឹកនាំអាស៊ានទំាងអស់ បានលើកយកប្រធានបទ ប្រទេសអាស៊ានទំាងអស់​គ្មានគ្រឿងញៀន មកជជែកពិភាក្សាផងដែរ ដើម្បីលុបបំបាត់គ្រឿងញៀន៕


ភ្នំពេញ ៖ សម្ដេច​តេជោ​ហ៊ុន សែន​ បាន​អញ្ជើញ​ជា​អធិបតី​ភាព​ក្នុង​ពិធី​សំណេះ​សំណាល​ជាមួយ​យុវជន​ស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត ​ចូល​រួម​បេសកកម្ម​វាស់វែង​ដីធ្លី ផ្ដល់​កម្មសិទ្ធិ​ជូន​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ នៅ​សាល​សន្និសីទ​កោះ​ពេជ្រ។

សម្ដេច ​តេជោ​ថ្លែង​ទៀត​ថា ក្មួយ​ៗស្លៀក​ពាក់​ខោ​អាវ​យោធា​​ដោយ​មាន​ស្លាក​សំគាល់​ក្រសួង​ដែន​ដី​ នគរូបនីយកម្ម និង​សំណង់​នា​ពេល​នេះ មិន​មែន​ក្រោម​បញ្ជា​របស់​​អគ្គ​បញ្ជាការ​កង​ទាហាន​នោះ​ទេ តែ​ជា​ការ​ស្ដាប់​តាម​បញ្ជា​របស់​​​សម្ដេច​តេជោ និង​ឯកឧត្ដម​ទេសរដ្ឋមន្រ្តី​អ៊ឹម ឈុន​លឹម។
សម្ដេច​តេជោ​បាន​ ថ្លែង​ទៀត​ថា រាជ​រដ្ឋាភិ​បាល​នឹង​ធ្វើ​បេសកកម្ម​នេះ​ឲ្យ​ចប់​សព្វ​គ្រប់ ហើយ​យើង​នឹង​ប្រគល់​សិទ្ធិ​ជូន​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​ឲ្យ​ស្រប​ច្បាប់។ សម្ដេច​តេជោ​បន្ត​ទៀត​ថា នៅ​ពេល​ដែល​យើង​រៀប​ចំ​រួច​រាល់​ហើយ​យើង​នឹង​រង់​ចាំ​មើល​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​​​សង់ ​ផ្ទះ​ធំ​ៗ ដាំ​ដុះ​ ​ដំណាំ​ និង​ធ្វើ​ស្រែ​ចំការ ដែល​យើង​មិន​ចាំ​បាច់​ផ្ដល់​អង្ករ​ ឬ​ចាំ​បាច់​ជួយ​ពួក​គាត់​ជា​ប្រចាំ​នោះ​ទេ។ សម្ដេច​តេជោ​បន្ត​ទៀត​ថា រាជ​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​នឹង​​រៀប​ចំ​ប័ណ្ណ​កម្ម​សិទ្ធិ​ដែល​​​ធនាគារ​ក៏​អាច​ទទួល​ ស្គាល់​​ទៀត​ផង។ ព្រោះ​ប្រជាពល​រដ្ឋ​ត្រូវ​ការ​​ថវិកា​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​​ធ្វើ​​​​ស្រែ​ចំការ ហើយ​ត្រូវ​ការថវិកា​ទាំង​នោះ​។សម្ដេច ​តេជោ​បាន​​ថ្លែង​​អំណរ​គុណ​ដល់​យុវជន​ស្ម័គ្រ​ចិត្ត​ដែល​បាន​ចូល​រួម​ក្នុង ​យុទ្ធ​នាការ វាស់វែង​ដីធ្លី​តាម​ការ​អនុវត្តន៍​​នយោ​បាយ​​​ចាស់​ សកម្ម​ភាព​ថ្មី​​ លើ​បញ្ហា​ដីធ្លី ដែល​យុវជន​ស្ម័គ្រ​ចិត្ត​​​​​ចូល​រួម​ក្នុង​យុទ្ធ​នាការ​នោះ​មាន​​ចំនួន​​ ១១០០​នាក់ មក​ពី​តាម​បណ្ដា​គ្រឹះ​ស្ថាន​សិក្សា​នានា​ក្នុង​រាជ​ធានី​ភ្នំពេញ​។

សម្ដេច ​តេជោ​ថ្លែង​ថា មាន​អ្នក​​ខ្លះ​យក​លុយ​ពី​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ​ ហើយ​​បាន​បោះ​បង្គោល​ថ្មី​ៗ​ដែល​មិន​ទទួល​ស្គាល់​ពី​មន្រ្តី​សុរិយោដី។ ចំពោះ​បញ្ហា​នេះ​រាជ​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​មិន​អាច​ទទួល​យក​បាន​នោះ​ទេ មាន​អ្នក​ខ្លះ​​​​ភ័ន្ត​ច្រឡំ លក់​ដី​ឲ្យ​គេ​ហើយ ចង់​វិល​ត្រឡប់​មក​យក​ដី​នោះ​វិញ។ បើ​ចង់​បាន​ដី​វិញ​ត្រូវ​យក​លុយ​ទៅ​ទិញ​វិញ​តាម​ទី​ផ្សារ។ ដូច្នេះ​មិន​អាច​ធ្វើ​អ្វី​ស្រេច​តែ​ចិត្ត​បាន​នោះ​ទេ។

ចិននឹងជួយអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័សក្នុងការពង្រឹងសមត្ថភាព និងផ្តល់លទ្ធភាពផ្សព្វផ្សាយព័ត៌មាន

Tuesday, 26 June 2012 16:01 ដោយៈ DAP-Posted: ID-009 

ភ្នំពេញៈ កាលពីរសៀលថ្ងៃចន្ទ ទី១៨ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ២០១២ គណៈប្រតិភូ នៃអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និង ប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស (PRU) នៃទីស្តីការគណៈរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី នៃរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា (RGC) ដែលដឹកនាំដោយលោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា រដ្ឋ លេខាធិការ និងជាប្រធានអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ត្រូវបានទទួលស្វាគមន៍យ៉ាងរាក់ទាក់ដោយលោក Hong Liang អគ្គនាយករងក្រសួងការបរទេស នៃសាធារណរដ្ឋប្រជាមានិតចិន ដើម្បីពិភាក្សា ដែលមានរយៈ ពេលមួយម៉ោង ស្តីពីបញ្ហាព័ត៌មាន និងប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយនៅក្នុងបរិបទ នៃភាពជាដៃគូយុទ្ធសាស្ត្រទ្វេភាគីគ្រប់ ជ្រុងជ្រោយរវាងរដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា និងចិន។
លោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា បានសំដែងនូវការអបអរសាទរចំពោះមិត្តភាពដ៏យូរអង្វែង និងកាន់តែរឹងមាំ ដោយផ្អែកលើ ផលប្រយោជន៍ និងការគោរពទៅវិញទៅមករវាងចិន និងកម្ពុជា ហើយលោកក៏បានសង្កត់ធ្ងន់អំពីតម្រូវការជា បន្ទាន់ឱ្យមានទំនាក់ទំនង និងកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការស៊ីជម្រៅជាងមុននៅក្នុងវិស័យព័ត៌មាន និងប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ដើម្បីជាមធ្យោបាយដ៏ត្រឹមត្រូវ និងទូលំទូលាយក្នុងការកាត់បន្ថយឥទ្ធិពលអវិជ្ជមាន នៃការផ្សព្វផ្សាយរបស់បរទេ ស នៃការផ្តល់ព័ត៌មានខុស និងការផ្តល់ព័ត៌មានមិនត្រឹមត្រូវអំពីគោលនយោបាយរបស់រដ្ឋាភិបាល ក៏ដូចជាការ ចោទប្រកាន់នានារបស់បរទេស ដែលត្រូវបានធ្វើឡើងមកលើកម្ពុជា និងចិន និងដើម្បីប្រាប់ទៅពិភពលោកអំពី ការពិត គុណតម្លៃ និងអាទិភាពជាក់ស្តែង នៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា និងសាធារណរដ្ឋប្រជាមានិតចិន។

លោក Hong Liang បានបញ្ជាក់យ៉ាងច្បាស់ថា ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា គឺជាមិត្តដ៏ល្អ និងជាអ្នកជិតខាងដ៏ល្អ ចំពោះ ប្រជាជនចិន ហើយដោយសារប្រជាជនចិនគាំទ្រយ៉ាងខ្លាំងក្លាដល់ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជានោះ រដ្ឋាភិបាលចិននឹងនៅ តែមានសិទ្ធិស្របច្បាប់ ដើម្បីជួយដល់រដ្ឋាភិបាលកម្ពុជា ដែលដឹកនាំដោយសម្តេចនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ហ៊ុន សែន ដែលត្រូវបានជ្រើសរើសដោយប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា តាមរយៈដំណើរការបោះឆ្នោតដោយសេរី និងប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ។
ជំនួបពិភាក្សានោះ បានបញ្ចប់ទៅជាមួយនឹងការសន្យាគាំទ្រដែលថា ចិននឹងជួយដល់អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិ កម្មរហ័សពង្រឹងសមត្ថភាពរបស់ខ្លួន ក្នុងការងារផ្សព្វផ្សាយ និងប្រតិកម្ម មិនថា តាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយធម្មតា ឬតាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយសង្គម ដែលកំពុងតែរីកដុះដាលនោះទេ ហើយក៏ដើម្បីធ្វើឱ្យមានតុល្យភាពរវាងសេច ក្តីរាយការណ៍ព័ត៌មាន និងបទវិភាគនានា នៃប្រទេសអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ និងសេចក្តីរាយការណ៍ព័ត៌មាន និងបទវិភាគនានា នៃប្រទេសកំពុងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ ដូចជាប្រទេសកម្ពុជា និងចិន។

នៅថ្ងៃនោះដែរ គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ត្រូវបានទទួលស្វាគមន៍ យ៉ាងកក់ក្តៅពីសំណាក់ លោក Wang Chen រដ្ឋមន្រ្តី នៃក្រុមប្រឹក្សារដ្ឋទទួលបន្ទុកស្ថាប័នព័ត៌មាន (SCIO) ដែលសវនាការនេះ បាន ប្រព្រឹត្តទៅក្នុងបរិយាកាសប្រកបដោយអត្ថន័យ និងជាមិត្តភាព ក្នុងក្របខណ្ឌ នៃការពង្រឹងកិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការ រវាង PRU និង SCIO ក្នុងវិស័យព័ត៌មាន និងប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ។

ប្រធានអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និង ប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស និងរដ្ឋមន្រ្តី នៃ SCIO បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរទស្សនៈយោបល់ស្តីអំពីបញ្ហា ប្រឈម ដែលកម្ពុជា និង ចិន កំពុងជួបប្រទះក្នុងការបង្ហាញនូវការពិត នៃប្រទេសរៀងៗខ្លួន គុណតម្លៃជាទី ស្រលាញ់ដ៏ជ្រៀលជ្រៅរបស់ប្រជាជនទាំងពីរ និងអាទិភាព នៃរដ្ឋាភិបាលទាំងពីរ ចំពោះពិភពលោក ដែលត្រូវ បានគ្របដណ្តប់ដោយសារព័ត៌មាន និងការផ្សាយបរទេស។
ឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹងប្រសាសន៍របស់លោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា ដែលស្នើឱ្យអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័សប្រើប្រាស់បាននូវមធ្យោបាយដ៏ទំនើប និងសម្បូរបែប របស់ SCIO ក្នុងការផ្សព្វផ្សាយរបាយការណ៍ព័ត៌មានសំខាន់ៗរបស់ អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ដែលរួមមានបទអាត្ថាធិប្បាយ វិចារណកថា និងអត្ថបទវិភាគនោះ លោកWang Chen  មានជំនឿយ៉ាងមុតមាំថា SCIO នឹងជួយគាំទ្រយ៉ាងពេញទំហឹងដល់អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្ម រហ័សលើបញ្ហាទាំងនេះ។

នាថ្ងៃអង្គារ ទី១៩ ខែមិថុនា ឆ្នាំ ២០១២ គណៈប្រតិភូ PRU បានអញ្ជើញទៅធ្វើទស្សនកិច្ចនៅក្រុមបោះពុម្ពអន្តរ ជាតិចិន និងសមាគមអ្នកបកប្រែ នៃប្រទេសចិន (CIPG) ដឹកនាំដោយលោក Guo Xiaoyong ដែលជាអនុ ប្រធានប្រតិបត្តិ។ បន្ទាប់ពីទស្សនាការិយាល័យ ក្រុមបោះពុម្ពអន្តរជាតិចិន (CIPG) ដែលមានអ្នកនិពន្ធភាសា បរទេសជាច្រើនរយនាក់ ធ្វើការជាមួយនឹងទីតាំងមានបំពាក់បច្ចេកវិទ្យាឈានមុខ ចុងក្រោយដ៏មានអត្ថប្រយោជ ន៍ បម្រើប្រព័ន្ធអ៊ីនធើណិតចិន និងបន្ទប់សម្រាប់ថតសំឡេង និង ផ្តិតយករូបភាព ដើម្បីរៀបចំការបោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ និងការបង្ហោះតាមអ៊ីនធើណិតនោះ អនុប្រធានប្រតិបត្តិ និងបុគ្គលិក CIPG ព្រមទាំង គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌ មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស បានបើកកិច្ចប្រជុំមួយ ដើម្បីផ្លាស់ប្តូរទស្សនៈយោបល់ លើបញ្ហាសារព័ត៌មាន និងការ បោះពុម្ពផ្សាយ ជាពិសេសតាមរយៈប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយបណ្តាញសង្គមបែបថ្មី។
ដោយយោងតាមសំណើរបស់ លោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា ស្តីពីជំនួយ ដែលជាប់ទាក់ទងនឹងការផ្សព្វផ្សាយរបាយការ ណ៍សំខាន់ៗ របស់អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស អនុប្រធានប្រតិបត្តិរបស់ CIPG បានឆ្លើយតបប្រកប ដោយភាពវិជ្ជមាន ដែលនេះមានន័យថា អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័សអាចនឹងផ្សព្វផ្សាយរបាយការណ៍ ព័ត៌មានតាមរយៈគេហទំព័រ China.org.cn ដែលមានគេហទំព័រចំនួន ៣០ផ្សេងទៀត នៅក្រោមការគ្រប់គ្រង របស់ខ្លួន។ កិច្ចប្រជុំត្រូវបានបញ្ចប់ដោយបរិយាកាស ប្រកបដោយសហប្រតិបត្តិការ និងមិត្តភាព។

នៅទីក្រុងប៉េកាំងនេះដែរ គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស បានទៅធ្វើទស្សនកិច្ចតំបន់វប្បធម៌ បុរាណល្បីល្បាញ មានទីលានធានអាមិន (Tiananmen Square), វាំងចាស់ (The forbidden City) និង មហាកំផែង។
នៅថ្ងៃទី២០ ខែមិថុនា គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ត្រូវបានស្វាគមន៍ យ៉ាងកក់ក្តៅ ដោយ លោកស្រី Wang Yanwen សមាជិករបស់គណៈកម្មាធិការបក្សខេត្ត និងជាប្រធាននាយកដ្ឋានសាធារណៈ នៃ បក្សកុំម្មុយនីស្តចិន គណៈកម្មាធិការបក្សខេត្ត Jiangsu និង សហការីរបស់លោកស្រី រួមទាំងអ្នកតំណាងមកពី សារព័ត៌មាន Xinhua និងស្ថានីយផ្សព្វផ្សាយខេត្ត Jiangsu ។
លោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា និងលោកស្រី Wang Yanwen បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ ដ៏កក់ក្តៅស្តីពីចំណងមិត្តភាព យូរអង្វែងរវាងប្រជាជន និងរដ្ឋាភិបាលរបស់ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា និង ចិន។

នៅក្នុងឱកាសនេះ ទន្ទឹមនឹងការកោតសរសើរចំពោះសកម្មភាព និងការអភិវឌ្ឍសេដ្ឋកិច្ច ដែលសម្រេចបាន ដោយ ខេត្ត Jiangsu លោក ស្វាយ ស៊ីថា ក៏បានបង្ហាញនូវក្ដីសង្ឃឹមយ៉ាងមុតមាំថា ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយនៅក្នុងប្រទេសចិន ទាំងប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយធម្មតា និងប្រព័ន្ធបណ្ដាញសង្គម និងជួយចែកចាយព័ត៌មាន និងដំណឹង ផ្សេងៗ អំពីកម្ពុជាទៅឱ្យអ្នកអានរាប់លាននាក់ក្នុងប្រទេសចិន ដើម្បីបង្កើននូវការយល់ដឹងឱ្យកាន់តែទូលាយ និងពង្រឹងនូវចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ ចំពោះប្រទេសកម្ពុជាក្នុងឋានៈជាគោលដៅទេសចរណ៍ និងការវិនិយោគពាណិជ្ជ កម្មពីសំណាក់ប្រជាជនចិន។ នៅក្នុងខេត្ត Nanjing គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ក៏មាន ឱកាសធ្វើទស្សនកិច្ចនៅសហគ្រាសខ្នាតតូច និងមធ្យមមួយចំនួន ព្រមទាំងទីតាំងផ្នូរ Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum) ហើយនឹងអតីតរាជវាំងសន្តតិវង្ស ម៉ីង (Ming) ដែលត្រូវបានកែសម្រួលជាមជ្ឈមណ្ឌលទេស ចរណ៍បុរាណចិន ផងដែរ។
នៅ Shanghai នៅថ្ងៃទី ២២ ខែមិថុនា ក្រោមការរៀបចំរបស់ការិយាល័យព័ត៌មាន ទីក្រុង shanghai (Informa tion Office of Shanghai Municipality) គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និង ប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស ក៏បានទៅពិនិត្យ គេហទំព័រ EastDay.com ដែលជាគេហទំព័ររដ្ឋដ៏សំខាន់មួយ នាំមុខគេនៅក្នុងការទទួល និងចែកចាយព័ត៌មាន ដោយមានក្រុមប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស (Emergency Reaction Group - ERG) នៅប្រចាំការ និងឆ្លើយតបទៅនឹង ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍បន្ទាន់ផ្សេងៗ។ ការិយាល័យព័ត៌មានទីក្រុង Shanghai ក៏បានរៀបចំឱ្យគណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌ មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស បានធ្វើទស្សនកិច្ចនៅការិយាល័យផែនការអភិវឌ្ឍទីក្រុង Sanghai (Planning Office of Shanghai Municipality) និងអគារអង់តែន TV ខ្ពស់ត្រដែតលេចធ្លោ នៃក្រុង Shanghai (Landmark Shanghai TV Tower)។

ជារួមដំណើរទស្សនកិច្ចជាផ្លូវការរបស់គណៈប្រតិភូអង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័សទៅកាន់សាធារណរដ្ឋ ប្រជាមានិតចិន តាមការអញ្ជើញពីក្រុមប្រឹក្សារដ្ឋ ទទួលបន្ទុកស្ថាប័នព័ត៌មាន (SCIO) បានបញ្ចប់ទៅដោយផ្លែផ្កា និង ទទួលបាននូវជោគជ័យអាស្រ័យ ដោយសារការធ្វើបដិសណ្ឋារកិច្ចយ៉ាងកក់ក្ដៅ និងការរៀបចំដ៏ល្អរបស់ ភាគីម្ចាស់ផ្ទះ។ សំខាន់ជាងនេះទៅទៀត តាមរយៈដំណើរទស្សនកិច្ចនេះ អង្គភាពព័ត៌មាន និងប្រតិកម្មរហ័ស (PRU) នៃទីស្ដីការគណៈរដ្ឋមន្ត្រី មិនត្រឹមតែបានទទួលនូវបទពិសោធន៍ថ្មី និងល្អៗនៅក្នុងវិស័យព័ត៌មាន និងប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយប៉ុណ្ណោះទេ ប៉ុន្តែថែមទាំងបានពង្រីកនូវបណ្ដាញរបស់ខ្លួន សម្រាប់ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយ ព័ត៌មាន ដោយមានការគាំទ្រសហការពីសំណាក់ភាគីចិនផងដែរ៕

បញ្ចប់តំណែង លោក ប៉ែន លឹម ជាទីប្រឹក្សាសម្តេច ជា ស៊ីម


ទំនាក់ទំនង​ផ្លូវ​ការ​រវាង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម បាន​កន្លង​ទៅ​អស់​រយៈ​ពេល ៤៥​ឆ្នាំ​មក​ហើយ គិត​មក​ត្រឹម​ឆ្នាំ​២០១២ នេះ។ ថ្នាក់​ដឹកនាំ​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​បាន​ផ្ញើ​សារ​ជូន​ពរ​រៀបរាប់​ពី​ទំនាក់​ទំនង ​យ៉ាង​ល្អ​ប្រសើរ​ជាមួយ​គ្នា។

កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​ទី​២៤ ខែ​មិថុនា នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​នៃ​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​បាន​ទៅ​សម្ពោធ​​បង្គោល​ព្រំដែន​លេខ ៣១៤ រួម​គ្នា​នៅ​ខេត្ត​កំពត ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ជាប់​នឹង​ខេត្ត​គៀងយ៉ាង ប្រទេស​វៀតណាម ដើម្បី​រំលឹក​ខួប ៤៥​ឆ្នាំ និង​ដើម្បី​រឹត​ចំណង​សាមគ្គីភាព​នេះ​បន្ត​ទៀត។

នៅ​ក្នុង​ខួប​លើក​ទី​៤៥ នៃ​ទំនាក់ទំនង​ការទូត​រវាង​កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម លោក​នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ហ៊ុន សែន ហៅ​ថា ទំនាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម ថា ជា​ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ល្អ​ប្រសើរ​រវាង​ប្រទេស​ភូមិ​ផង​របង​ជាមួយ​គ្នា។ អ្នក​ដឹក​នាំ​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​បាន​ហៅ​ព្រឹត្តិការណ៍​នេះ​ថា បាន​បង្ហាញ​ពី​ចំណង​មិត្តភាព​ដ៏​ល្អ​ក្នុង​រយៈពេល ៤៥​ឆ្នាំ ចុង​ក្រោយ​នេះ​រវាង​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​ទីក្រុង​ភ្នំពេញ និង​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​ក្រុង​ហាណូយ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​ក្រុម​អ្នក​តាម​ដាន​ស្ថានភាព​សង្គម​យល់​ឃើញ​ថា ទំនាក់ទំនង​រវាង​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ គឺ​ភាគី​វៀតណាម តែង​តែ​កេង​ចំណេញ​យ៉ាង​ច្រើន​ពី​កម្ពុជា។

សកលវិទ្យាធិការ​សកលវិទ្យាល័យ​ខេមរៈ និង​ជា​អ្នក​វិភាគ​ឯករាជ្យ លោក​បណ្ឌិត សុខ ទូច នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី​២៥ ខែ​មិថុនា ឆ្នាំ​២០១២ មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា ទំនាក់​ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម មាន​តាំង​ពី​មហា​សន្និបាត​បក្ស​ឥណ្ឌូចិន តាំង​ពី​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៣០ ប៉ុន្តែ​នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​ទី​២៤ ខែ​មិថុនា ឆ្នាំ​១៩៦៧ ជា​ថ្ងៃ​ដែល​ទំនាក់​ទំនង​​ការទូត​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​បាន​ចាប់​ផ្ដើម​ទទួល​ ស្គាល់​ជា​ផ្លូវការ និង​ជា​អន្តរជាតិ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​ក្នុង​ចំណង​ទាក់ទង​នេះ គេ​ឃើញ​វៀតណាម មាន​ការ​រីក​ចម្រើន​ជាង​កម្ពុជា ហើយ​មេដឹកនាំ​វៀតណាម តែង​តែ​រំលឹក​ពី​គុណបំណាច់​របស់​ពួកគេ​ដែល​ចូល​មក​បណ្ដេញ​ក្រុម​ខ្មែរ​ក្រហម ប៉ុល ពត កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​៧ មករា ឆ្នាំ​១៩៧៩ នោះ។

លោក សុខ ទូច បញ្ជាក់​ថា ចំពោះ​រឿង​នយោបាយ​ផ្ទៃ​ក្នុង​របស់​វៀតណាម កាល​ពី​អតីតកាល​វិញ បើ​គ្មាន​ការ​ជួយ​ជ្រោមជ្រែង​ពី​កម្ពុជា​នោះ វៀតណាម​ពិត​ជា​មិន​មាន​ការ​ឯកភាព​ជាតិ​រហូត​មក​ដល់​សព្វថ្ងៃ​នេះ​ឡើយ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​វៀតណាម មិន​ដែល​រំលឹក​គុណ​នេះ​ដល់​កម្ពុជា​ទេ៖ «អ្នក​ឯង​ចងចាំ​ ពី​ទំនាក់ទំនង​ការទូត​រវាង​វៀតណាម និង​កម្ពុជា អ្នក​ក៏​ត្រូវ​ចងចាំ​ដែរ​ថា បើ​គ្មាន​កម្ពុជា អ្នក​ឯង​ក៏​មិន​បាន​ជ័យជំនះ​លើ​បារាំង និង​ឯកភាព​ជាតិ​ដែរ។ ប៉ុន្តែ​គេ​អត់​ដែល​រំលេច​ទេ គេ​រំលេច​តែ​គុណ​វៀតណាម»

លោក សុខ ទូច បន្ត​ថា តាម​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​កាល​ពី​សម័យ​សង្គ្រាម​វៀតណាម ទសវត្ស​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៧០ វៀតណាម​បាន​ដាក់​កងទ័ព​ក្នុង​ទឹក​ដី​ខ្មែរ​ជាង ៤០​ពាន់​នាក់ ស៊ី​អង្ករ​ខ្មែរ តែ​វៀតណាម មិន​ដែល​រំលឹក​ពី​បញ្ហា​នេះ​ឡើយ។

កត្តា​នយោបាយ​នាំ​ឲ្យ​មាន​លំហូរ​រវាង​ជនជាតិ​វៀតណាម ចូល​មក​រស់​នៅ​កម្ពុជា ដោយ​ខុស​ច្បាប់ និង​ទឹក​ដី​កម្ពុជា​ក្រោម ត្រូវ​បារាំង​កាត់​ដាក់​ឲ្យ​នៅ​ក្រោម​ការ​ត្រួតត្រា​របស់​វៀតណាម ទៀត។ តាម​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​បាន​បង្ហាញ​ដែរ​ថា ខ្មែរ​ក្រហម​មាន​ការ​ស្អប់​ខ្ពើម​វៀតណាម ហើយ​វៀតណាម ក៏​ធ្លាប់​បាន​ធ្វើ​ទុក្ខបុកម្នេញ​ពលរដ្ឋ​ខ្មែរ​ក្រោម​ផង​ដែរ។

ប្រធាន​បណ្ដាញ​យុវជន​ខ្មែរ​កម្ពុជា​ក្រោម​នៅ​កម្ពុជា លោក គឹម ស៊ីសមណា មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ល្អ​រវាង​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​នាំ​ផល​ល្អ​សម្រាប់​ប្រជាជន​នៃ​ ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ។ លោក​បន្ត​ថា មន្ត្រី​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​របស់​វៀតណាម តែង​តែ​មក​បំពេញ​ទស្សនកិច្ច​នៅ​កម្ពុជា និង​សួរ​សុខ​ទុក្ខ​ជនជាតិ​វៀតណាម នៅ​ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា។

លោក គឹម ស៊ីសមណា បញ្ជាក់​ថា លោក​ចង់​ឲ្យ​ប្រទេស​វៀតណាម រាប់​អាន​កម្ពុជា ដោយ​ស្មោះ​ស កុំ​ឆ្លៀត​រាប់​អាន​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​ក្រុង​ភ្នំពេញ បែរ​ជា​ជាន់​ក​ខ្មែរ​កម្ពុជា​ក្រោម៖ «សិទ្ធិ​ទទួល​បាន​ការ​អប់រំ​ហ្នឹង រដ្ឋាភិបាល​វៀតណាម មិន​គាំទ្រ​ខ្មែរ​ក្រោម​ឡើយ ថ្នាក់​ដឹកនាំ​ខ្មែរ​ធ្វើ​បុណ្យ​សួរ​សុខ​ទុក្ខ​ខ្មែរ​កម្ពុជា​ក្រោម​អី​គឺ​ អត់​មាន​សោះ»

យ៉ាង​ណា​មិញ ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​គេ​ឃើញ​នាំ​មក​នូវ​ផល​វិជ្ជមាន​លើ​វិស័យ​ សេដ្ឋកិច្ច​ខ្លះ​ដែរ។ ទិន្នន័យ​ពី​ក្រសួង​ផែន​ការ និង​វិនិយោគ​របស់​វៀតណាម បង្ហាញ​ថា ចាប់​តាំង​ពី​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៩៨ មក​វៀតណាម​បាន​ផ្តល់​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ ១១ សម្រាប់​គម្រោង​នៅ​កម្ពុជា ដែល​មាន​ទឹក​ប្រាក់ ៥៣​លាន​ដុល្លារ និង​បាន​ចេញ​អាជ្ញាប័ណ្ណ​វិនិយោគ​ចំនួន ១១២ ដល់​វិនិយោគិន​វៀតណាម មក​វិនិយោគ​នៅ​កម្ពុជា ដែល​មាន​ទុន​ចុះ​បញ្ជី​សរុប ២,៣៦​ពាន់​លាន​ដុល្លារ។

ការ​វិនិយោគ​ទាំង​អស់​របស់​វៀតណាម នៅ​កម្ពុជា​ គឺ ៤០​ភាគរយ​លើ​វិស័យ​កសិ-​ឧស្សាហកម្ម ៣៤​ភាគរយ លើ​ការ​ផលិត​អគ្គិសនី និង ១១​ភាគរយ​លើ​វិស័យ​ធនាគារ និង​ហរិញ្ញវត្ថុ ហើយ​សល់​​ប៉ុន្មាន​វិនិយោគ​លើ​វិស័យ​រ៉ែ​ ការ​ដឹក​ជញ្ជូន​ និង​ទូរគមនាគមន៍។ ក៏​ប៉ុន្តែ​កម្ពុជា មិន​អាច​ទាញ​សក្តានុពល​ពី​ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម​របស់​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​បាន​ខ្លាំងក្លា ​នោះ​ឡើយ។

អ្នក​តំណាងរាស្ត្រ​គណបក្ស សម រង្ស៊ី លោក សុន ឆ័យ មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ត្រូវ​ការ​ទំនាក់ទំនង​ល្អ​ជាមួយ​ប្រទេស​ជិត​ខាង​ដូច​ជា​វៀតណាម ដើម្បី​អភិវឌ្ឍ​វិស័យ​សេដ្ឋកិច្ច ប៉ុន្តែ​វៀតណាម​បាន​កេង​ចំណេញ​យ៉ាង​ច្រើន​ក្នុង​វិស័យ​សេដ្ឋកិច្ច ដូចជា​ក្រុមហ៊ុន​វៀតណាម ជា​ច្រើន​មក​វិនិយោគ​នៅ​កម្ពុជា ថែម​ទាំង​នាំ​មក​នូវ​កម្មករ​អ្នក​បច្ចេកទេស​ជា​ច្រើន​ចូល​មក​រស់​នៅ​ក្នុង​ កម្ពុជា​ទៀត។

លោក សុន ឆ័យ បញ្ជាក់​ថា នយោបាយ​វៀតណាម កំពុង​តែ​ឆ្លៀត​ប្រើ​ឥទ្ធិពល​មក​លើ​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា៖ «ការ​បញ្ចូល​ជន​ជាតិ​គេ​ក្នុង​ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ការ​ឈ្លាន​ពាន​នា​ពេល​កន្លង​ទៅ នយោបាយ​វៀតណាម សុទ្ធ​តែ​គិតគូរ​ឲ្យ​ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ឲ្យ​ស្ថិត​ក្នុង​នឹម​ត្រួតត្រា​របស់​គេ ចាំបាច់​គ្រប់​គណបក្ស​ត្រូវ​មាន​ស្មារតី​ឯកភាព​ជាតិ គិត​គូរ​ពី​បញ្ហា​នេះ»

លោក សុន ឆ័យ បន្ត​ថា លោក​ស្នើ​ឲ្យ​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា​បច្ចុប្បន្ន ប្រើប្រាស់​ទំនាក់​ទំនង​កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម ប្រកប​ដោយ​ភាព​ឆ្លាតវៃ និង​ទទួល​ខុស​ត្រូវ​ខ្ពស់ ដើម្បី​ធានា​​ឲ្យ​ផល​ប្រយោជន៍​ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា។

ទោះ​ជា​យ៉ាង​នេះ​ក្តី មន្ត្រី​អ្នក​នាំ​ពាក្យ​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា លោក ផៃ ស៊ីផាន មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម មាន​ការ​សហការ​គ្នា​យ៉ាង​ល្អ​ដើម្បី​បង្កើន​មិត្តភាព សាមគ្គីភាព និង​សហប្រតិបត្តិការ​សេដ្ឋកិច្ច។

លោក​បន្ត​ថា ការ​លើក​ឡើង​របស់​បក្ស​ប្រឆាំង​ដែល​ថា រដ្ឋាភិបាល​កម្ពុជា បណ្ដោយ​ឲ្យ​វៀតណាម ប្រើ​ឥទ្ធិពល​លើ​កម្ពុជា ជា​រឿង​មិន​ពិត៖ «បាទ! នេះ​គ្រាន់​ជា​ការ​វាយ​ប្រហារ​ប្រមាថ​ដល់​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​តែ​ប៉ុណ្ណឹង គាត់​មិន​បង្ហាញ​ពី​ការ​ដឹង​ការ​យល់​ជូន​ពលរដ្ឋ​ទេ»

នៅ​ក្នុង​សារ​លិខិត​នាយក​រដ្ឋមន្ត្រី ហ៊ុន សែន ផ្ញើ​ជូន​នាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រី​វៀតណាម ក៏​បាន​គូស​បញ្ជាក់​ថា "ចំណង​មិត្តភាព​នឹង​ជួយ​ជំរុញ​ការ​ឈាន​ទៅ​មុខ​ជា​ប្រពៃណី និង​សហ​ប្រតិបត្តិការ​ដ៏​រឹងមាំ​រវាង​ប្រទេស​យើង​ទាំងពីរ"។ សារ​លិខិត​បន្ត​ថា ប្រជាជន​កម្ពុជា នៅ​តែ​ចងចាំ​ប្រកប​ដោយ​ការ​ដឹង​គុណ​យ៉ាង​ជ្រាលជ្រៅ​នូវ​ការ​ជួយ​ឧបត្ថម្ភ​ របស់​រដ្ឋាភិបាល និង​ប្រជាជន​វៀតណាម ក្នុង​ការ​រំដោះ​ប្រទេស​កម្ពុជា ឲ្យ​រួច​ផុត​ពី​របប​ប្រល័យ​ពូជសាសន៍ ប៉ុល ពត នៅ​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៧៩។

យ៉ាង​ណា​ក៏​ដោយ​ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ និង​អ្នក​នយោបាយ​មួយ​ចំនួន​មិន​ឲ្យ​តម្លៃ​ការ​លើក​ទ័ព​វៀតណាម ចូល​កម្ពុជា នៅ​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៧៩ នោះ​ឡើយ ដោយ​ពួក​គេ​អះអាង​ថា វៀតណាម​មក​ឈ្លាន​ពាន​កម្ពុជា។
អ្នក​វិភាគ​ឯករាជ្យ​ឲ្យ​ដឹង​ថា បើ​គ្មាន​ទ័ព​វៀតណាម​ទេ ពលរដ្ឋ​កម្ពុជា ក៏​ប្រហែល​ជា​ត្រូវ​ស្លាប់​ជា​ច្រើន​ទៀត​ដោយសារ​របប ប៉ុល ពត ដែរ ប៉ុន្តែ​កម្ពុជា​ក៏​មិន​ត្រូវ​ដឹង​គុណ​វៀតណាម ហួស​ហេតុ​ដែរ។
លោក​បណ្ឌិត សុខ ទូច មាន​ប្រសាសន៍​ថា ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ល្អ​របស់​ប្រទេស​ជិត​ខាង​ជា​ភាព​សុខ​ក្សេមក្សាន្ត​នៅ​ក្នុង​ តំបន់។ លោក​បន្ត​ថា ពលរដ្ឋ​ខ្មែរ រដ្ឋាភិបាល​ខ្មែរ សង្គម​ស៊ីវិល​ខ្មែរ បក្ស​ប្រឆាំង​ខ្មែរ​មិន​ចាំបាច់​តែ​រំលឹក​គុណ​វៀតណាម រហូត​នោះ​ឡើយ ព្រោះ​ខ្មែរ​ក៏​ធ្លាប់​ធ្វើ​គុណ​ឲ្យ​វៀតណាម​ច្រើន​ដែរ។

លោក​បញ្ជាក់​ថា ការ​រៀបចំ​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​ឲ្យ​បាន​ច្បាស់លាស់​ត្រឹមត្រូវ​ជា​កត្តា​ជំរុញ​ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ល្អ​របស់​ប្រទេស​ទាំង​ពីរ​ដែរ៖ «យើង ​មាន​ដែល​ឲ្យ​វៀតណាម ដឹង​គុណ​យើង​ទេ នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​៣០ មេសា ១៩៧៥ បើ​សិន​គ្មាន​ខ្មែរ​ឲ្យ​ទឹក​ដី​វៀតណាម អាច​រំដោះ​ប្រទេស​បាន​ទេ អា​ហ្នឹង​ដែល​យើង​ត្រូវ​និយាយ​សុំ​ឲ្យ​រៀបចំ​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ កុំ​បំភ្លៃ​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ ការ​បំភ្លៃ​នេះ​ហើយ ដែល​ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ​ខ្មែរ​បែក​បាក់​ជាមួយ​សៀម-​ខ្មែរ បែក​បាក់​ជាមួយ​យួន»

បើ​តាម​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​ទំនាក់​ទំនង​កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម បាន​បណ្ដាល​ឲ្យ​អតីត​មហាក្សត្រ​ខ្មែរ​ព្រះបាទ​ជ័យ​ជេដ្ឋា​ទី​២ នៅ​ឆ្នាំ​១៦២៣ ព្រះ​រាជានុញ្ញាត​ឲ្យ​វៀតណាម ចូល​កាន់​កាប់​កម្ពុជា ជា​ច្រើន​ខេត្ត។
ទំនាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម ក៏​បាន​រួម​គ្នា​ប្រឆាំង​នឹង​អាណានិគម​និយម​បារាំង។ ទំនាក់​ទំនង​កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម បាន​នាំ​ឲ្យ​វៀតណាម បង្រួប​បង្រួម​ជាតិ​បាន​សម្រេច​នៅ​ក្នុង​សង្គ្រាម​វៀតណាម។ទំនាក់​ទំនង​ កម្ពុជា-​វៀតណាម បាន​វាយ​កម្ទេច​របប​ខ្មែរ​ក្រហម នៅ​ឆ្នាំ​១៩៧៩ សង្គ្រោះ​ពលរដ្ឋ​កម្ពុជា។

អ្នក​វិភាគ​មួយ​ចំនួន​នៅ​តែ​បារម្ភ​ថា កម្ពុជា​ចាញ់​ប្រៀប​វៀតណាម ខណៈ​ពេល​ដែល​ពលរដ្ឋ​វៀតណាម តែងតែ​លើក​ពាក្យ​ស្លោក​ថា តឹកដឹក តឹកវ៉ាង (Tat dat tat vang) ដែល​មាន​ន័យ​ជា​ភាសា​ខ្មែរ​ថា មួយ​សង់ទីម៉ែត្រ​ដី​ស្មើ​នឹង ១​សង់ទីម៉ែត្រ​មាស៕

ខុទ្ទកាល័យ សម្តេចតេជោ ហ៊ុន សែន ផ្ញើលិខិតបំភ្លឺពាក់ព័ន្ធការចុះផ្សាយរបស់កាសែត ភ្នំពេញប៉ុស្តិ៍

Monday 25 June 2012

Launching of the 2011 Mid-term Review Report on the Implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013

Keynote Speech at the Launching of the 2011 Mid-term Review Report on the Implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013
Phnom Penh, June 14, 2012

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear participants!

Today, I am very pleased to participate in the Launching of the 2011 Mid-term Review Report on the Implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013. Taking this auspicious opportunity, I would like to highly value the management and officials of the Ministry of Planning, Supreme National Economic Council and concerned ministries that make a concerted effort to realize this valuable and fundamental piece of work for Cambodia development. I would like to thank development partners, international and national organizations, civil society, private sector, in particular the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the World Bank, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations Children’s Fund for providing both technical and financial support to the Ministry of Planning for preparing the 2011 Mid-term Review Report on the Implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013. 

In this spirit, I strongly believe that the continued implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 will return better result as we have accumulated lessons and experiences from the implementation of previous plans and due to fact that the NSDP Update is formulated by using appropriate methodology with more careful consideration of responsibilities of concerned ministries-institutions and more accurate projection of expenditure for implementing the plan’s activities and, in particular, strong support from concerned ministries-institutions and other stakeholders. The NSDP Update 2009-2013 reflects the Royal Government’s firm determination to realize the visions of national development policies, formulated to respond to the people’s faith and support, even though it means a heavy burden. 

Recently, Cambodia has had to deal with three major problems, that include (1) addressing employment problem to promote economic growth while the world faced with global financial crisis and decline; (2) the need to protect territorial integrity; (3) dealing with problems caused by severe flooding in 2011. In general, these problems could not prevent us from moving forward. Cambodia need to continue to promote economic growth and accelerate poverty reduction by focusing the attention on productivity enhancement and diversification in the agriculture sector, agro-industry development, education expansion, vocational and skill training, health service, restoration and construction of physical infrastructure, solution to land issues, private sector development, strengthening of institutional capacity, trade facilitation and integration of Cambodia’s economy into the regional market. Indeed, these work priorities will strengthen our position and improve work consistency in order to address challenges and bottlenecks. 

Based on the National Strategic Development Plan, Cambodia is able to achieve a remarkable development progress, that include the assurance of the normalcy of the people’s livelihood, the ability to successfully guide the country during the period of hardship, the creation of favorable environment for ensuring macroeconomic stability, reactivating economic growth after suffering from economic turmoil in 2009 and achieving socio-economic development and poverty reduction progress as stipulated in Cambodia Millennium Development Goals 2015. At the same time, Cambodia has fully integrated itself into region and the world and is actively engaging in various international cooperation based on the principle of equal status and equal rights. The National Strategic Development Plan will continue supporting and accelerating the implementation of various Royal Government’s policy programs, in particular, the Rectangular Strategy – Phase II for growth, employment, equity and efficiency. 

In this regard, I am very pleased to officially launch the Mid-term Review Report on the Implementation of National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013, which takes into account all developments since 2009, provides comprehensive, balanced and unbiased information that allow us to assess the economic welfare and key foundation for socio-economic development with greater certainty. I would brief the recent macroeconomic and social developments as follows: 
  • During 2004-2007, annual economic growth rate exceeded 10%. Growth rate slightly declined to 6.7% in 2008, and to nearly zero in 2009. In 2010 and 2011, growth bounced back to 6%-7% per annum.
  • With regard to budget implementation, up to 2008 the Royal Government maintained the gaps between revenue and expenditure about 3%-4% of GDP. After 2008, the Royal Government has increased public expenditure to prevent economic downturn, causing the gap between revenue and expenditure to increase to 6% in 2010. The inflation increased to two-digit figure in 2008, but at present it has decreased to between 5%-6%; and the Riel/USD exchange rate has fluctuated within 5% limit.
  • In 2009, preliminary forecast shown that the proportion of people living below the poverty line is about 20%. This shows that Cambodia has achieved its first goal of the Cambodia’s Millennium Development Goals.
  • The adoption of the Anti-Corruption Law gives the jurisdiction to the Royal Government to enforce this law. Various legislative and public administrative reform programs are taking place. The important point that should be noted is the role of district-commune councils in implementing development programs in the framework of de-concentration and decentralization that are worth between USD 70 million and USD 90 million per annum.
  • Good governance has been measured through some key indicators such as the preparedness for investment, confidence in the public civil servants, safety level, land conflict and so forth. Based on these indicators, we see that the quality of governance has been gradually improved.
  • With respect to agriculture,  Cambodia exported 2.5 million metric tons of paddy rice in early 2010. Rice fields account for 79% of the total cultivated areas. The size of rubber plantation increased by 39.6% between 2009 and 2010. Fresh water fisheries output increased by 3.85% during the same period. Seawater fisheries out also increased on average about 40.5% in the last 5 years.
  • Regarding land management, up to early 2011, about 2.4 million land title certificates in 16 provinces have been issued by the Ministry of Land Management, Urbanization and Construction. Among those, the areas of 6,250 hectares are social land concession for 1,604 landless families under the social land distribution project. The Ministry allocated additional 10,000 hectares of land for 3,000 families under the social land concession program. With regard to UXO clearance, the total area of 53,575 hectares have been cleared up to 2009, and the clearance coverage increased to 63,962 hectares in 2010.
Along with this, the Royal Government deepened its reform programs in two priority sectors, including fisheries and land sector. In other words, it is the implementation of new activities within the framework of old policies in fisheries and land sector. In particular, on March 8, 2012, I laid out seven recommendations regarding fishing lot reform and nullified the directive on the restriction of family-level fishing equipment to accommodate this deepened reform program. The implementation of fishing lot reform program not only allow for household fishing and conservation of fishing lot, but also the establishment of fishing communities for managing fishing lots, and preventing and cracking down on fishing violations. Taking this opportunity, I would like to give instructions to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Fisheries Administration and land authorities to continue to focus attention on a number of measures, that include:

(1) – continued dissemination of fishing regulations and laws to the people, especially the seven recommendations I laid out on March 8, 2012;

(2) – training and capacity building for fishing communities across the country  to ensure the sustainability of fishing and conservation lots, especially capacity strengthening for fishing communities so that they can fully participate in implementing the deepened reform program and avoid unintentional fishing violation;

(3) – promoting the spirit of conserving flooded forest and mangrove among fishing communities, especially through the strengthening of all levels of partner network to support the activities of fishing communities;

(4) – the Fisheries Administration and local authorities must permanently monitor the crack down on fishing violations in order to implement strategy on cracking down fishing violations and strengthening of fishing communities to manage the fishing lots awarded by the Royal Government.    
Along with this, in order to increase the efficiency of the management of economic land concessions, the Royal Government has issued firm orders to competent ministries-institutions and authorities to effectively implement the policy and conditions of the economic land concession agreements and focus attention on the implementation of the agreements on economic land concessions, especially in line with the leopard spot formula to avoid violation on individual and community lands and impact on the livelihood of the people, aiming to make economic land concessions serve the interest of the country and the people in a sustainable manner. In addition, the companies that have been grated economic land concession but violated procedures and conditions by logging without developing the land, illegally encroaching more land, keeping the land for resale, violating agreement conditions, infringing on individual or community’s lands, the Royal Government will revoke all those economic land concessions. To implement this spirit, local people, who have been living, either legally or illegally, in the areas of economic land concessions and economic forest concessions will be given land titles. Along with this, the Royal Government will allocate at least 10% of the economic land or forest concessional areas for local people who have been living on the economic land or forest concessional areas to use and derive benefits from, and to prepare for the possible increase of land demand in those communities.
  • With respect to rural development, Cambodia plans to construct additional 3,518 KM of rural roads from 2009 to 2013. During the first half of the plan, 915 KM of rural roads were constructed. In 2010, around 43.5% of rural dwellers have access to clean water, against the CMDG’s goal of 50% by 2015. This indicates that we are on track to achieve this target.
  • Cambodia succeeded in managing its water resource management. The target is to expand 25,000 hectares of irrigated areas per annum. Cambodia has the potential of irrigating more than 30% of cultivation in spite of limited irrigation efficiency.
  • The total length of DBST roads increased from 3,204 km in 2009 to 3,954 km in 2011, which correspond to targets of the plan. Along with that, in order to enhance rail transportation service, Cambodia has entered into a concession agreement with a private company that will allow it to administer rail transportation business, once the railway reconstruction has been completed put into operation in 2013. The capacity of major ports have been strengthened and expanded. Regarding civil aviation, Cambodia has ratified two conventions, including ASEAN Agreement on the Liberalization of Air Freight Services and ASEAN Multilateral Agreement on Air Services.
  • Per capita electricity output increased by 5% to 6% per annum from 2009 to 2011. However, the high cost of electricity per KWH in Cambodia remains a challenge for industrial sector.
  • The industrial output experienced 2-digit jump in 2010 following the decline in 2009, while the construction sector shrank in 2010. The tourism sector increased by 16% in 2010, following the slowdown in 2009. The number of tourists increased in the first three months of 2011.
  • With regard to the implementation of employment policy, we arrange for the dispatch of workers to work abroad by ensuring workplace safety and mechanism for solving workplace conflicts, promoting social security and upgrading workers’ skill through vocational training.
  • With respect to social security sector, the National Social Protection Strategy for the Poor and Vulnerable was launched in 2011. It comprises of four main programs, including: vocational and skill trainings, social insurance (contributory system), social safety nets (non-contributory system), and other complimentary social welfare services.
  • In the education sector, we successfully achieved targets for the primary education, but there remained some major challenges such as the education and retention of students in post-primary education and tertiary education.
  • We observed a positive trend in the health sector, especially the improving indicators of maternal and child mortality rates. We also achieved a remarkable progress in the work related to gender, in particular, all ministries-institutions have been vigorously implementing their respective gender mainstreaming programs.                             
We noticed that Cambodia has undergone a tremendous change, ranging from political and security to economic and social changes over the last few years. This report highlights new development progresses in Cambodian, by directing attention to accelerating poverty reduction through vivid policies and activities and providing recommendations for future implementation. In light of this, the management of all ministries-institutions must continue reviewing and formulating future action plans according to the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 and must overcome challenges ahead such as the lack of physical and human resources, the limitation of public service reforms, the lack of harmonization between programs, and weaknesses of monitoring and evaluation.

Indeed, the Mid-term Review Report of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 is a vital document and work agenda that acts as the roadmap for concrete, appropriate, and correct actions in the short term. Obviously, the royal government will continue its effort, vigorously implement and deepen its existing reform programs, because these reforms are not only a matter of life and death, but also represent our ownership. Based on this view, on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, I would like to provide some recommendations as follows:

First. We must continue to expand policy coordination between ministries-institutions, development partners, and donor communities to strengthen governance, to broaden and deepen reform programs in all sectors. These tasks must be consolidated into a single system, interconnected and mutually complimentary for the realization of socio-economic development goals, the management of development work, and the protection of natural resources and environment.

Second. All relevant ministries-institutions must prepare or update their respective strategic development plans by reviewing ongoing projects and programs as well as new projects and programs which are funded by either internal or external resources in order to ensure consistency with and linkage to the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013.
Third. All provinces-capitals must update their respective strategic provincial-capital development plans and prepare the 3-year rolling public investment programs in conformity to priorities and mandate of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 as instruments for implementing decentralization and deconcentration program and considering investment proposals determined by the Law on the Administrative Management of the Capital, Provinces, Municipalities, Districts, Khans.  

Fourth. Ministries-institutions must give high priority to regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of action plans, programs and projects, and report to the Ministry of Planning, so that the Ministry of Planning can consolidate information and make overall assessment of the progress in achieving goals and targets of development as inscribed in the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013.

As mentioned above, I would like to appeal to the management and officials of all ministries-institutions, armed forces and local authorities of all levels to support and actively take part in implementing the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013. Given the implementation of this plan, I strongly believe that Cambodia can make active and consistent steps forwards to achieve its long-term vision, which is to gradually build Cambodia society to ensure full peace, political stability, security and social order, equitable and sustainable development, firm adherence to the multi-party democratic principle, respect of human rights and human dignity, social cohesion, highly educated citizens, improved standard of living and harmonization in the society.
Before ending, once again I would like to deeply thank and highly value the Ministry of Planning, the Word Bank, and the UN system for playing active and important role in coordinating the preparation of the mid-term review report and for providing technical and financial support for preparation and publishing of mid-term review report of National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013. I would like to thank private sector, civil society, national and international organizations as well as government representatives of friend countries for actively supporting the preparation and implementation of the National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013 that results in such significant progress.  

Finally, together with the launching of the Midterm Review Report on Implementation of National Strategic Development Plan Update 2009-2013, I would like to wish Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen four gems of Buddhist blessing: Longevity, Nobility, Healthiness and Strength.

Source: CNV 

Speech at the Opening of the 22nd ASEAN and ASEAN Plus three Labor Ministerial Meeting, and Related Meetings, under the topic of “Improving Social Protection and Skills Development”

Source: Cambodia New Vision (CNV)
Speech at the Opening of the 22nd ASEAN and ASEAN Plus three Labor Ministerial Meeting, and Related Meetings, under the topic of “Improving Social Protection and Skills Development”
Phnom Penh, 10 May 2012

Excellencies, Labor Ministers of ASEAN and Partner Counties,
Excellency, Secretary General of the ASEAN,
Excellency, Director General of International Labor Organization, 
Excellencies, Ambassadors to the Kingdom of Cambodia,
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, 

It is my great pleasure to officiate the opening of the 22nd ASEAN and ASEAN Plus three Labor Ministerial Meeting, and related meetings being held in Phnom Penh capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia. This meeting is very meaningful for Cambodia, other ASEAN countries and ASEAN Plus 3 to review the progress of cooperation and setting future direction to further strengthen our integration and jointly address challenges we are facing. 

On behalf of the Royal Government and people of Cambodia, I would like to extend our warmest welcome to delegates from ASEAN and development partners, who participate in this important meeting. Your presence clearly indicates the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation among ASEAN and we will continue to work closely together. I am of the view that this meeting will contribute to promoting ASEAN Plus Three countries to continue their endless efforts and responsibilities to realize the success of ASEAN integration, which is our common goal of creating ASEAN community in 2015. Indeed, this work will help promote more growth and strengthen friendship bonds among ASEAN and ASEAN Plus Three countries. 

Taking this opportunity, I would like to give my full support to and highly value the topic of “Improving Social Protection and Skills Development”, which is one of the important topics that ASEAN member countries have been making effort to address in order to develop the society of ASEAN and ASEAN Plus Three countries. Overall, the topic will enable ASEAN to strengthen its mechanisms that are based on “People-Centered Community” and strengthen our common spirit which is ”ASEAN: One Community, One Destiny”, which was adopted in the 20th ASEAN Summit.

Indeed, the selection of “Improving Social Protection and Skills Development” as the topic for this ASEAN Ministerial meeting reflects our particular attention on social protection, strengthening of social safety nets that are key factors for enhancing social welfare and sustainable socio-economic development. In other words, this initiative will not only contribute to strengthening social safety nets in the context of poverty reduction, but also to strengthening social protection systems in the context of global economy which requires knowledge and high level of skills.

As you all are aware that Cambodia hosted the 20th ASEAN Summit in April. I am pleased to see that all ASEAN member countries work together to strengthen the spirit of solidarity and sharing and to deepen cooperation which results in numerous initiatives and cooperative projects being discussed and adopted. Based on this along with the region’s quick post-crisis recovery, it is a great opportunity for ASEAN and ASEAN Plus Three countries to further strengthen cooperation and deepen regional integration of financial, trade, investment, agriculture, tourism, education and public health sectors as well as the connectivity of physical infrastructure. Therefore, we have to continue our dialogue to bring about the enhancement of social protection and skills development for our work forces.
In this regard, please allow me to share humble views on the issue as follows:

First - Social protection is an important factor of development strategies and poverty reduction policies. Therefore, we have to pay high attention to providing better services to the poor by specifically enhancing the effectiveness of social protection mechanisms to enable the poor and vulnerable groups build their own resources which are critical factors for rescuing themselves and their families from poverty trap and ensuring sustainability. To achieve that, we should attach highest priority to the goal of creating the ASEAN Economic Community, which is to transform ASEAN into a single market and production base characterized by free flow of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor. We must seek ways to lay out priority actions and key concrete measures to address this challenge and bridge gaps which are the obstacles to the realization of ASEAN Economic Community as planned. 

Second - In order to achieve the aforementioned goals, member countries need to have proper work programs for promoting incomes and capabilities of poor communities, and they also must accelerate their work to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for 2015. Important tasks that must be achieved include the promotion of participation of community members, including the poor, women, ethnic minority communities and the like so that they can involve with the development process, the promotion of institutional capability of local communities, the enhancement of capability and ability of local communities and local authorities as well as local development partners in reducing poverty with ownership and responsibility. 

Third - We need to continue paying attention to the social protection system that covers workers and employees, especially the old, the disabled, those injured at work, women on maternity leave and other health-related problems at workplaces. Programs designed to address unemployment should also be included in the social protection system. 

Forth - With regard to skills development, I would like to direct the attention of all the participants to the fact that each individual country is preparing themselves for the regional and global integration characterized by fierce competition, and the key determinant is the capable human resources. Hence, we need to ensure that our workforces always possess sufficient capability for job opportunities that require new skills and respond to global labor demand, so that they are able to compete in the  labor market characterized by the free flow of skilled labor in the region by 2015. 

Fifth - Regarding the strengthening of competitiveness of each ASEAN member country, human resources have played an important role in setting directions for the socio-economic development. Hence, with an abundant labor force of about 285 million workers, ASEAN need to acknowledge the importance of job creations, the development of labor force’s quality, and the provision of social safety nets to employees. In general, the direction of ASEAN’s work on labor and human resources has been set by the work program of ASEAN labor ministers since 2000. This work program provides a framework for the preparation of the regional labor force to deal with challenges arising from globalization and trade liberalization. We all are aware that this work program initially has 5 priorities, including employment generation, labor market surveillance, labor force movement, social protection and tripartite cooperation, followed by the sixth priority agreed by ASEAN labor ministers in 2006, which is health and workplace’s sanitation.

Sixth - In addition to all these priorities, ASEAN need to continue finding solutions to migrant worker issues, that was already prepared on 13th January 2007. ASEAN leaders have signed the Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers. A Committee has been established to operationalize this declaration. Its first meeting was convened in September 2008, followed by many subsequent meetings. Hence, this Committee should accelerate the preparation of the draft of ASEAN’s instruments on the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers, the issue which was first discussed in April 2009 in Bangkok. 

Truly, the protection and promotion of the rights of migrant workers is an important issue for ASEAN because the free flow of skilled labor is a primary characteristic of the ASEAN Economic Community. Although this goal has not been fully achieved, mutual exchange of labor force among ASEAN countries has been robustly taking place. In fact, under the framework of ASEAN, some countries import workers while some others export workers, including Cambodia. This emphasizes the necessity for strengthening cooperation among ASEAN countries in order to protect the rights of migrant workers. With respect to this problem, we should take note that ASEAN has already done some of the tasks but it is yet to achieve a proper agreement for the implementation.
In general, although the economic integration focuses on the flow of skilled labor, but the real challenge is the protection of the rights of unskilled or low-skilled workers. Hence, we should push hard for the protection of the rights of migrant workers to correspond to the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration which is to be adopted in 2012. More importantly, Cambodia would like to request all the member countries to adhere to the principles of laws and human rights by strictly avoiding insulting lives or causing difficulties for migrant workers. 

With respect to what I have raised above, I believe that we all will continue strengthening and expanding our firm cooperation and commitment in order to achieve common economic growth and build“A People-Centered Community” which is in line with the theme of “ASEAN: One Community, One Destiny”, chosen for ASEAN 2012 to highlight the commitment and cooperation of ASEAN nations in building ASEAN Community as a closely-bonded family with political, security, economic and socio-cultural harmonization which is rule-based, peaceful and economically strong through improving social protection and skills development.

Obviously, the promotion of social protection requires not only concrete mechanism and guidelines, but also adequate capital. However, funding for the task depends on development pace of all member states.  But, in the context of current and future globalized economy, the economic growth of each member state will be determined by its workforce productivity with proper qualification and high producing capacity. Therefore, there is no doubt that once adequate social protection fund is secured, capacity building or skills development will be upgraded.

Based on its experiences, Cambodia took concrete actions to respond to the global economic and financial turmoil by proactively mitigating a number of risks and uncertainties such as the change of demand for skill levels and upgrade of skills through training vocational and life skills that are an important part of the social safety nets. From this point, we could conclude that, no matter how bad the situation is, we must be able to control economic pulses and manage priorities, which is the necessary philosophy for progress in national socio-economic development.

Therefore, we could see clearly that training of the right skills or skills development and promotion of social protection effectively complement each other and cannot be separated. In this sense, I would like to request Excellecies, ladies and gentlemen to have in-depth and comprehensive discussion to seek key solutions for enhancing social protection and skills development to an appropriate level to enable full participation in the ASEAN integration in 2015. I am confident that 22nd ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (LMM), ASEAN+3 and related meetings will achieve great success and become a forum of solidarity, friendship and close cooperation. 

At the end, I would like to wish Excellencies, ladies, and gentlemen,  all delegates from ASEAN and partner countries good health and success in all tasks, and especially good experience during the stay in the Kingdom of Cambodia, land of the magnificent Angkor. 

Now, May I declare the opening of the  22nd ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting (LMM), ASEAN+3 and related meetings.

Selected Comments at the Inauguration of New Buildings and Achievements within the Battambang University

Source: Cambodia New Vision (CNV)
Unofficial Translation

Selected Comments at the Inauguration of New Buildings and Achievements within the Battambang University

09 December 2010
Four Visits in a Row in 2010
I am so glad today to return to the province of Battambang once again after three previous visits – to inaugurate the SOS School Buildings, to preside over the groundbreaking ceremony to build the irrigation system at Konghot and to visit the brigade 51 which is stationing close to the border. This fourth visit is indeed prideful as I will have to officially inaugurate buildings for the University of Battambang and some more achievements.

The Battambang University
It is our pleasure and pride that the University of Battambang has sprung up elegantly as I saw it from a bird’s eye view. It is a great wisdom of HE Sar Kheng and Lok Chumteav (Madame) to put effort in getting this university off ground by combining separated tertiary and professional education facilities into one. Thanks to their great initiatives, new buildings have sprung up with old ones that were constructed, and now refurbished, back in 1965.

It has been noted in a report to me here that the achievements that we inaugurated today have cost some 6,815,702 USD and 495,600,000 Riel. It should be noted that the total amount of contribution from both inside and outside the country is 6,877,802 USD. This is a fairly big amount of money ever contributed. I greatly thank HE Sar Kheng and Lok Chumteav as well as contributors for their shares in making the university composed of well designed and built facilities in the province of Battambang.

There is one more building, provided by HE Dul Phok, to be completed. It will be a two story building that is going to serve as library. I also learn that there is this effort for buildings to be serviced as boarding houses for students and teachers. As male students, in the meantime, could benefit from staying in the Buddhist pagoda, by residing with monks, I assure that priority must placed on female students’ facilities while building the boarding house.

As far as teaching and studying tools are concerned, I have the knowledge that you already have 430 computers in five computing classrooms. The Deputy Prime Minister HE Sar Kheng and Lok Chumteav have accepted to respond positively to the Rector’s demand for an addition of 200 PCs, 70 laptops and 2,000 chairs. In fact we have now reached an information epoch that everyone has to have a computer. I also have one that would allow me to go online and browse for information, especially when I go abroad. It is the best means for me to get information from inside Cambodia through websites. 

As far as this proposal for the location for the Royal University of Agriculture of Battambang is concerned, and also a building to serve as boarding house, and I am sure that HE Chan Sarun, Minister for Agriculture and whose training background is in food and agriculture, would know what is best to do with this. I accept to take care of this proposal with a down payment of 100,000 USD. Again priority must be placed on providing facility and condition for female students. We have built, for your information, in Phnom Penh a number of student hostels because Cambodia is also providing scholarships to foreign students. 

Yesterday I also approved the formation of a commission under the leadership of HE Sar Kheng to see through the design and building of the Chea Sim-Komjaimie University, formerly Moha Russeivedic University in Prey Veng province. The University would be a conjoined position for students to come from the provinces of Prey Veng, Svay rieng and Kompong Cham. I would also like to declare my contribution of 100,000 USD for the construction work and another 100,000 USD for the students and/or teachers hostels.

Nuclear Engineering - a New Subject
As is reported by HE Prach Chan, the Governor of Battambang, as well as clearly stated in the report of HE Touch Visalsok, the Rector, together with new buildings, another remarkable thing is that the Battambang University is to offer a new subject course on nuclear engineering. The subject is indeed not included in curriculum of any universities in the whole country so far.
Let me clarify this point a bit as far as nuclear engineering in the curriculum of the University is concerned. This is in fact a response to the (Royal Government’s) Rectangular Strategy – Phase II. I have in fact removed from the policy a phrase about electricity production to be generated by nuclear power. Finally I have to put it back in because it is now a general trend in the world that everyone is looking for electricity to be generated by nuclear power.

We have had the proposal in the last months for investments in nuclear-powered electric power generation but we have not yet approved it. I hope that HE Keat Chhon, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economy and Finance, who has his degree in nuclear engineering in France, could look into this matter and perhaps makes contribution in developing curriculum for this subject matter.

Four Universities in Four Provinces
In the last years, I have been so proud that we have put into use five new universities in between 2006 and 2010 in four provinces. In 2006, we put in to use the University of Svay Rieng (in the province of Svay Rieng), which was built under the initiative and leadership of the late HE Hok Lundy. In 2008, at Banteay Meanjei province, we put into operation the University of Banteay Meanjei, which was built under the leadership of HE General Ke Kimyan. Two years later, 2010, today we put into use the University of Battambang. We also have another University at the province of Siemreap.

A critical issue here for us is to build more schools in rural areas. (You may have noted that a few days ago) I have mentioned about and drawn attention of my vision of achieving a goal of one junior college for each commune. It is noted with pride that this vision has almost become a reality now whereas in some communes there have been more than one junior high school. In the district of Tramkok of Takeo province for instance there are up to seven junior high schools. This is not a surprise because as we all are witnessing here now our country has got a university at the provincial level, take for instance in the p;rovinces of Battambang, Banteay Meanjei, Sieamreap, Svay Rieng, etc., in addition to those that are seconded to universities in Phnom Penh.
Assistance provided by the Buddhist community, mainly from pagoda for those who have to go on in their education, is not a particular case for me but a general one. Let’s take the case of Deputy Prime Minister HE Keat Chhon. The fact that he was able to continue his study in Phnom Penh and on to France is because there had been helps from the Buddhist monks and various other sources. 

Equal Chance for Education
It should be understood and well appreciated that it is because of peace that prevails throughout the country that we are having an increasing chance for doing many things. In time of war, parents and teachers, as well as students themselves, would be concerned for safety while in search of education and in fulfilling mission of education. In absence of war, it is worth saying that it is now time for our compatriots to enjoy peace and equal chance for education.
It is also obviously true that addressing issue of equal chance for education would in fact help narrow the intellectual gap between rural and urban, poor and rich in terms of human resource development. It is true that we have seen more of intellectual concentration before only in Phnom Penh and around. As we have narrowed down the gap in education, it is anticipated that such action would result in eventual lessening of gap in property and other sectors. These are the significance of our effort to decentralize schools of all levels – primary to university – throughout the country. 

I am sure that the university is for use not only by students who are daughters and sons of our people in Battambang, Pailin or Pursath provinces, but also those from other provinces and cities, Phnom Penh also included, who happen to have relatives in the province (of Battambang). I wish to affirm that everyone is equal from birth (as far as physical and mental health and ability are concerned). We should be of agreement that it is not always the case that children of the rich would do better in school, while children of the poor would suffer a reversal trend. You must agree with therefore that what really concerns us here is to provide them equal chance for education.

Peace Environment – More Achievements
I would like to take this opportune moment to officially inaugurate two segments of national road with a total length of 40 kilometers. The first segment is 16 kilometers that runs from the national road 77 through to the site of Komping Puoy reservoir. We also should thank Okhna Sok Kong for his generous contribution on my behalf and that of HE Sar Kheng’s in providing a transformation of the Komping Puoy reservoir into a tourist destination. The second segment is running 24 kilometers from the city of Battambang to the district of Banan, financed by the Asian Development Bank and the (Royal Government’s) counterpart fund.

It should be noted also that (because of joint efforts to develop and improve tourist destination) in the last nine months there have been 195,000 tourists visiting Battambang province, a figure that is 3.2% increase to that of 2009. I am sure the figure is also picking up further for October, November and December. It should be noted also that there has been development and vast improvement of hotels and services in Battambang province.

For people living in this part of the country, I may say that aside from the above two national roads, there will be two more roads that I will take my time to come and preside over their groundbreaking ceremonies in February next year. The first will be connecting Banteay Meanjei to Pailin via Koun Damrei, Koun Damrei, Mealay, Sampeo Loun, Komrieng and Phnom Preok. Another road will be the one that runs from Thmor Kol district to Bovel district and from Bovel there will be a juncture of two lines – one of which will go to Sampeo Loun district, while another one will go to Phnom Proek and Komrieng districts. Also fund is sought for building another road to point 400 at the border with Thailand.

Some Reminiscences and Drastic Changes
Taking this opportune moment I would like to thank the CPP working groups for their joint efforts with the local authorities of Battambang province under the leadership of HE Sar Kheng. It should be noted that the initiative also has the supports of Samdech Chea Sim, President of the Senate and President of the Cambodian People’s Party, and Samdech Heng Samrin, Honorary President of the Cambodian People’s Party and President of the National Assembly, as well as various others.
Maybe it is good to recall some stories (in relation to our efforts in this part of the country) back in 1985 when we were so poor that a piece of woven mat was used as window cloth. I could remember that HE Ke Kim Yan was the governor of Battambang province. It was that year that my wife and I were here and we went to visit the Japanese-assisted rice cultivation and experiment farm project at Tuol Samraong. Maybe HE Ke Kim Yan still remembers I asked him to place in my map Brigade 415, which, according to not-well informed sources, was established not long ago, but (Ee) Chhean (Governor of Pailin province and former Khmer Rouge commander) has confirmed to me just now that it was formed since June 1979. We learned about its existence only in 1985 as Brigade 415 stationed near Pailin, which was then a part of Battambang province.

The situation has comparatively and drastically changed. Until 1990 Ee Chhien was still making war (with the Royal Government of Cambodia) from Pailin, now he is sitting here with us. How could we blame all responsibilities on him (Ee Chhean) as in fact the war was a creation by those of former generations? Thanks to the win-win solution, from which peace has been achieved and prevailed, we have now moved Brigade 196 to station at Komping Puoy, Brigade 95 has now been moved to station at the Adhibadei High. I also remember to come to Battambang province again in 1990 to review the military situation in general and around the city.

I may recall that Ee Chhean troops forced General Pol Saroeun’s troops to withdraw twice, once in 1989 and again in 1994, from battles in this part of the country. Psychologically, the two Cambodian forces then fought for a position. When one side won, another side retreated. They did not worry because it would be a loss (of position or territory) to Khmer. I am sure if it were foreign forces, like in Preah Vihear province, such a retreat would not be an option. Well, as far as this matter is concerned, use of the word invasion has come to a stop as we have achieved a complete normalization (of the situation). I have marked that (the place) was invaded on July 15, 2008, and the withdrawal took place at 10:30 am on December 1, 2010.

We purchased a number of military tools and means for war in the past and some have been kept in good service for when they are needed. We just launched a real ammo test fire from 15 trucks to verify whether they are ready or in good condition. We have just got hundreds of new tanks and armored vehicles. They all have been placed in warehouses and only old ones are ready for service. The new ones will be kept ready for eventual need.

Responses to Ill-Willed Remarks
As of the present, situation has improved greatly day after day. There has been some irrational observation that Cambodia is getting poorer. I wonder how could anyone is stated to be poorer than when one was in 1979 (when the country was liberated from the genocide). Let’s ask those who are now in their 70s because by then they must be in their 40 years of age. Could they recall as to what they did have at the time. Some people had plates but no spoons, while some got oxen but no carts. What happened in Cambodia was not that simple. The ICAPP (International Conference of Asian Political Parties) delegation found it hard to understand and believe as to such a thing could have happened in Cambodia, let alone the fact that Phnom Penh was starting from no-resident city.
It is normal for them to have such feeling because they have seen things these days in a normal state with skyscrapers. What has been said to the contrary of the present reality is beyond imagination. Let’s ask these monks here if they could stand a chance to benter monkhood under the regime of Pol Pot? Tomorrow we will celebrate the Human Rights Day and you may agree with me that these rights are defined to be those to life, to food, to education, healthcare, etc.

Some in the opposition have even taken their vows to sue me to the international court in the case of K5 national defense plan/project (which includes clearing forest and building a levee and a canal along the border with Thailand). If it were not because of their threats, I would not choose to fulfill that option. If ever the case is in court, I am sure the first to stand trial would be the United Nations for its recognition of the Khmer Rouge and for allowing the Khmer Rouge to occupy the Cambodian seat. Then Tripartite Coalition Government joined their forces to fight the Phnom Penh Government, where possible return, in the case they won the war, would be the regime of Pol Pot.

Can they clarify that if they did or did not do it? Had there been or not in 1979 the Tripartite Coalition Government, in which there was also Khmer Rouge as one of its member? If there were no such threats, but then Government, that was established and led by the late Prime Minister HE Chan Si, and which I was inherited from him, had taken the initiative and action without a justified cause, I would take full responsibility and would report myself to the court in The Hague. However, first of all, they have to answer if there were or not real threat against the Phnom Penh Government and against rebirth of the Cambodian people. Have you accepted that there was the regime of Pol Pot in between 1975-79?

As of these days the United Nations have also collaborate with the Royal Government of Cambodia to carry out the trial of former Khmer Rouge leaders. The case of 001 has been closed and the case of 002 has processed. The situation has now changed that not only that we no longer had resistance forces in the jungle, no one has been forced to go to war, but also we have to reduce the forces and also to accept no more new recruits. (I do not know) if this is someone’s trick so as to have a chance to return (from abroad) to the country. (If s/he behaved in an irresponsible manner), s/he would have to wait.

They also claimed that democracy in Cambodia is in a setback position. Has it been advancing before? So you recognized that there has been a democracy then? They have always denied it. Why do they change their remarks so instantly? It is so surprisingly naïve that they have said using foreign radio broadcast that so and so number of population is in constant fear and because of fear they dare not cultivate and are worried that their lands would be confiscated. Battambang province is the rice bowl of the country and this year has produced 75,000 tons of rice, which is 5,000 tons more than last year. Is it because of such fear as they said?

On Political Party Formation
So and so has claimed to be the best choice for the country and people but why has s/he got only a small number of seats? Why could you not replace the Royal Government? Why s/he recently cheated people, despite my written instruction that I have no comment, that I am offering support for so and so to set up political party. They even said that the Funcinpec officials who may want to swing side may do so as they will negotiate with the Prime Minister to keep their current positions. It was in response to this insanely distortion that I prepared a message for the people, the coalition government, CPP and Funcinpec, about my position that I would not tolerate a de facto tripartite coalition.

They have created a big mess and Deputy Prime Minister (from Funcinpec) HE Nhek Bun Chhay may have not understood me. Fundraising seems to have started now and they have fooled businessmen that the Prime Minister allows so and so to form political party. Some have disguised their activities as non-governmental organization, while some propose themselves to be fathers of democracy or Buddha, etc. Let me assure in my statement today that no matter how many seats the (current Funcinpec coalition partner) will get, I will consider them the coalition partner because we have been working together and we have a good knowledge of each other. 

Politician or the King’s Advisor
It does not matter whether s/he does, stays in opposition or goes along with, but there is one thing that needs to be resolved. I am the one who has proposed ranks and privileges for so and so in the royal family since members of the Royal family are not involved in politics. Some have got equivalent ranks of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, etc. That is my idea that I have proposed to HM the King.

Today, on TV, because so person has ceased to abide by the rule and gets involved in politics, I will propose to HM the King to end his position as advisor of HM the King. HM the King is neutral. When an advisor of HM the King is involved in politics, why can’t it be inferred about HM’s involvement? When the person lost in the political elections, would not it be a loss seen for HM the King? I need to send out a clear message (as far as this return to politics decision is concerned).
It is quite a mess because of one person has been making unreliable decision about political involvement, I do not mean to harm anyone. My only intention is to keep the Cambodian Royal family respectable. However, they should not underestimate my (political) resolve. You are welcome (to politics again). I respect human rights but I would not bow to anyone who would want to have double rights (of being politician as well as advisor of the King). S/he may have to choose one among the two: if you want to participate in politics, you have to stop being the King’s advisor, and if you want to retain your advisor position, you have to abandon politics.

As far as the petition for the return to politics is concerned I also have the information. I know who is in charge of collecting signatures in Batambang, Siemreap and Kompong Cham provinces. It was a case too that the petition in Siemreap province had been advised to get more thumb prints. There has been attempt to woo some in the current coalition government and I know who that would be. Some said they would stay on for a while. I would suggest to Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Interior HE Sar Kheng to look into this matter. I would not allow for that. If they are so expressed to leave I will get them off the Government list. I would not tolerate a snake with two heads at all.

Everyone rights have to be attached with rule of law as their conditions. Some foreign radios have been busy making interviews with so and so, but they would not go for the masses who would speak in favor of the Cambodian People’s Party. If ever they interview officials or supporters of the Cambodian People’s Party, it is highly possible that those interviews would not be broadcast or not in full. That is why I do not grant any interview unless it is live. However I now have so many radios and TVs that it may not be necessary to speak on foreign radios at all.

I think I have made it clear now that I do not give green light to anyone to do anything, nor I ever grant my support to so and so to go into politics. S/he may do whatever s/he wants but s/he must not link it in any way to my name or cause harm to anyone.

The Most Rice Produced in 32 Years
2010 may be the year that we have harvested the most rice in almost 32 years after the fall of Pol Pot. We have harvested and collected almost 8 million tons of paddy rice. With this amount we are expecting a surplus of about 3.7 million tons of paddy. According to some preliminary calculation, some 2.4 million tons of milled rice for export will be available.

However, maybe (Deputy Prime Minister) HE Keat Chhon could verify it with the World Food Program on an interview. Have you seen the interview (provided by the World Food Program) that said Cambodia is vulnerable to being food insecure? At the same time we have a request from them for a supply of 2,000 tons plus a certain sum of money every year. I wish that this information is checked and if it is true, we should get our rice and money back? A correction need to be made.

Maybe HE Keat Chhon could summon WFP representative in Phnom Penh for clarification. In fact their task is to collect rice in the world to give to Cambodia, but they have asked from Cambodia in the past three or four years. They also do the same for this year. We could not afford to give (rice and money) to the organization that is going to give the rice back to us and discrediting us at the same time. The amount of some 2,000 tons is good for giving out to orphanages.

Vietnamese hospital in Phnom Penh to be operating by mid-2013

Published by CEN: 24-Jun-12 08:53AM 

PHNOM PENH (Cambodia Herald) - A 500-bed affiliate of Cho Ray hospital in Ho Chi Minh City is expected to be operating in Phnom Penh by June next year, Saigon Giaiphong reported Saturday.

The newspaper said the $42 million project was "of particular importance" among the 34 projects in Cambodia from investors in Ho Chi Minh City which were valued at $198 million.

The report coincided with a ceremony at the Ho Chi Minh City Grand Theatre on Friday to mark the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Cambodia.

People's Committee chairman Le Hoang Quan reportedly said that June 24, 1967 marked the revolutionary struggle of the two countries nurtured by the late president Ho Chi Minh and former king Norodom Sihanuok.

Consul-General Sam Samouth was quoted as saying that Cambodians were deeply grateful for Vietnam's help in escaping from genocide and rebuilding the country.

The 2024 Workshops for Foreign Confucius Institute Directors on June 13-21, 2024 at Sichuan Province, China

My sincere thanks and gratitude go to my respectful Rector, H.E. Sok Khorn , and the Chinese Confucius Institute Director, Prof. Yi Yongzhon...