About​ me

Dear Friends,

Warm greetings from Battambang, Cambodia!

First, I would like to introduce my brief personal background. I was born on March 11, 1982, in Kampot province, 148 km south of the Phnom Penh capital, the Kingdom of Cambodia. After finishing high school in 1999, I continued my tertiary education in Phnom Penh. I studied law in the Faculty of Law at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) from 2000 to 2004. Also, I studied History in the Department of History at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities at the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

After my graduation, I received a postgraduate scholarship from the Jesuit Service of Cambodia to pursue my master’s degree in International Business Law and Corporate Counsel at the RULE. I graduated with an LL.M. in 2007, and then I passed a competitive examination to be a civil servant at the Cambodian Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports. Prime Minister Hun Sen officially nominated me as the Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) at the University of Battambang (UBB) on March 11, 2010. In September 2011, I received a Ph.D. USM Fellowship to pursue my Ph.D. at the University of Sciences, Malaysia (USM)

In May 2016, I spent nine months as a Professional Improvement High-Ranking Officer Student at the Royal School of Administration (RSA) under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Service of the Kingdom of Cambodia. During my studies at RSA, I have a good chance of conducting my internship as a young high-ranking officer in Japan in the framework of JENESYS 2016. The government nominated me to be the Vice-Rector of the National University of Battambang via a competitive examination organized by H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, on the Sub-Decree Number 549 ANkr, dated May 24, 2017. I have been a co-director of the Confucius Institute of the National University of Battambang (CINUBB) since 2019. 

Finally, I would like to welcome all valued friends who are interested in accessing this blog. It aims at sharing knowledge, information, and experiences in the spirit of brotherhood, common sense, national interest, and solidarity for the profit of our beloved people and country. If you have any collaborations, please contact me at samrany82@gmail.com or sam.rany@nubb.edu.kh.

Please, all friends, accept the assurance of my highest consideration. 

With my very best wishes,

Sam Rany, PhD

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