Sunday, 10 March 2013



Academics are judged on their ability to conduct researches that produce result which are useful to humanity; results that helps to address issues and problems in society; and produces knew knowledge that add to existing literature. School of Educational Studies is committed to producing graduate students with high quality skills and competence in research relating to educational issues, pedagogy, child development, learning theories, sociological and psychological issues in education amidst others. In line with this commitment, the school using the available excellent research facilities and well experienced faculty members provides high quality training to graduate research students in the school. Thus, the school has over the years built a good reputation in graduating student that demonstrates outstanding performance in educational research. To maintain this, the school in collaboration with the postgraduate students association conducts series of workshops and students’ discussion forums on monthly bases; such workshops and forums are directed towards enhancing the research skills of the postgraduate research students in the school. In line with consideration, the postgraduate students association of the school in collaboration with the school is proposing to a number of such workshops and students’ discussion forums from February to December, 2013 as presented in this paper work for the school consideration and approval.

AIMS OF THE PROGRAMMEThe workshops and students discussion forums are aimed:
Enhancing the research skills of the graduate research students in the school;
Provides an avenue for the graduate research students to meet, discuss, share experiences and collaborate with one another on issues relating to research activities.

The main objectives of the workshop are to: 
provide a platform for information exchange and knowledge sharing;
help the graduate student in understanding ethical issues relating to research activities and publications; and the implication of plagiarism on academics and their institutions of affiliation;
improve the graduate students’ knowledge and skills of developing research frameworks, data collection and analysis; and, skills of writing for research publications;
provide a forum where graduate research students can meet and discuss between themselves without the presence of faculty members on issues relating to the process of building:
good problem statement for research studies
good conceptual and theoretical frameworks for research studies
good literature review for research studies
helping the graduate research students to have a proper understanding of different research designs and their applications in educational studies

Workshop DetailsThe topics selected for the workshops as listed below are based on the graduate research students request sent to the postgraduate students association. The dates of the workshops would announce when confirmed via email and on this web site.

Prepared by: Sani Alhaji Garba
                     PERSILA President

Endorsed by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. HAZRI JAMIL
                                  PERSILA Advisor
                                  Deputy Dean (Research & Publiation), SES-USM.

                       Dean, School of Educational Studies,
                       Universiti Sains Malaysia.

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