Sunday, 10 March 2013

CALL FOR PAPER: 2 nd International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE) 5 th -6 th June 2013

Theme: Towards Sustaining Quality, International Networking and Collaboration in Postgraduate Research in Education 

The Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies (PERSILA), USM in collaboration with the Postgraduate Students Association of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia announces the call for papers for postgraduate students to participate in the 2nd International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE-2013). The International Postgraduate Colloquium of Research in Education (IPCoRE) is an annual international event organised by the Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysia and the Postgraduate Students Association of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The program is intended to provide a platform for postgraduate research students to establish international research network and collaboration; and, a forum for the postgraduate students to present and discuss their research findings in conference sessions.

We are therefore inviting postgraduate students to submit their research papers for presentation at IPCoRE-2013. Papers to be submitted should be but not restricted to the following arrears of research in education:

1.      Science and Mathematics Education
  a)      Science Education
  b)      Mathematics Education
  c)      Vocational and Technical Education
  d)     Science, Technology and Society
  e)      Education for Sustainable Development

  2.      Curriculum and Instruction
  a)      Curriculum Studies
  b)      Primary Education
  c)      Early Childhood Education
  d)     Multicultural Education
  e)      Distance Education

3.      Educational Psychology, Psychometric and Counselling
  a)      Educational Psychology
  b)      Guidance and Counselling
  c)      Psychometric and Education Evaluation
  d)     Statistics and Research Methodology
  e)      Special Education for Diverse Needs

4.      Professional Education, Leadership and Policy Studies
  a)      Comparative Education
  b)      Educational Management and Leadership
  c)      Educational Planning and Policies Studies
  d)     Life-long Learning
  e)      International Education and Globalisation
  f)       Higher Education
  g)      Professional and Teacher Education

5.      Multimedia Education and Information Technology
  a)      Educational Technology
  b)      Multimedia and IT
  c)      Computer Assisted Instructions
  d)     Virtual Learning and Internet

6.      Social and Philosophy of Education
a)      History of Education and Development
b)      Sociology of Education
  c)      Philosophy of Education
  d)     Comparative Education

7.      Language Education and Literacy
  a)      English Language Education/TESOL
  b)      Malay Language and Literacy Education
  c)      Second Language Learning

8.      Social Studies Education
  a)      Economy and Commerce Education
  b)      Geography Education
  c)      Physical and Sport Education
  d)     History Education
  e)      Ethics, Moral and Religious Educations.

Participants can submit and presents their research papers for presentation in a conference sessions during the Colloquium. Intending presenters should submit their abstract in words or pdf file by email to any of the following email addresses on or before 15th of April, 2013:




All abstract submitted would be double blind reviewed and participants would get the feedback on or before 30th of April 2013. Participants whose abstracts are accepted are to submit their full papers by email to the above email addresses before 15th of May, 2013. All papers presented would be published online and in hard copies in the colloquium proceedings.

Guidelines for submission of abstract and full paper
The abstract should not exceed 200 words; it should start with the title of the paper (Times New Roman, 14 size font and bold using center alignment). Names of authors in full should be placed below the title (Times New Roman, 12 size font and center alignment). If the authors are two the names of the two authors should be separated with ‘and’; but if more than two, the names should be separated with coma (,) and the last two names with ‘and’. Author’s affiliation should be placed below the authors’ names (Times New Romans, 12 size font and center alignment. After the authors’ affiliation, the word ‘abstract’ should be written in capital and bold, 12 size font and left alignment.

The main body of the abstract should be 10 size fonts, justified, one line spacing, Times New Romans without indenting. The abstract should provide an overview of the study design, methodology and findings. Below the main body of the abstract should have the key words (key words should be in capital and bold, 12 size fonts, Times New Romans) then column (:) before words.

The main body of the article should be in Times New Romans, 12 size fonts, 1.5 lines spacing and justified. Headings should be bold and in capital letters while sub-headings should be italics. Authors should use the APA (5th or 6th edition). The full paper should not exceed 20 pages in word (doc.) file and should have the following outlook:

  d.      FINDINGS
  e.       DISCUSSION
  g.      ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (optional and if any)
  h.      REFERENCE.


All categories of presenters are to register on arrival as follows:

1.      Participants from School of Educational Studies, USM = RM 80 (USD 27)

2.      Other participants from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) = RM 100 (USD 34)

3.      Participants from other institutions of higher learning within Malaysia = RM 150 (USD 51)

4.      International Participants = RM 250 (USD 84)

5.      Delegates from Bandung University of Education Indonesia (registration covered under the MOU between Scholl of Educational Studies, USM and the Department of Education, National University of Education, Bandung Indonesia).

Further Inquiries
For further inquiries, please contact:

1.      Sani Alhaji Garba


Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, USM (PERSILA)


2.      Rosli Yosuf

Vice President

Postgraduate Students Association of School of Educational Studies, USM (PERSILA)


3.      Sam Rany


+60 175063234

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