- Friday, 27 July 2012
- Stuart Alan Becker
- The president of Cambodia’s Anti-Corruption Unit,
Om Yentieng, will give a speech this Monday at 6 pm at Sunway Hotel.
Organiser CAMFEBA is asking for a US$25 payment for a buffet dinner
during the event.
According to CAMFEBA Executive Director Som Chamnon, the idea for the dinner was initiated by Chairman Van Sou Ieng and CAMFEBA’s board members because they believed business people in Cambodia should be aware of the enforcement of the anti-corruption law.
“One reason to join the event is to meet business people, and another reason is for people to learn how the government has enforced the Anti-Corruption Law,” Chamnon said.
The event is described as a “business networking and seminar on the contribution from the private sector in eliminating corruption in Cambodia”.
“Business people can find a way to contribute to the enforcement of the law, and to open the floor for the business people to meet directly with the leadership of the anti-corruption unit so they can potentially raise the challenging issue to leadership of the Anti-Corruption Unit and get some way to get at the problems they are facing,” Chamnon said in an interview.
CAMFEBA, or the Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, was established in June 2000 and is chaired by Van Sou Ieng, who also chairs the Garment Manufacturers Association of Cambodia (GMAC) and owns the Cambodian Country Club (CCC).
CAMFEBA describes itself as an independent federation of employers and business associations recognised and registered with Cambodia’s Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and the sole organisation “representing, promoting and safeguarding the rights and interests of employers in Cambodia”.
CAMFEBA represents more than 1,000 employers both union and non-union, with six business associations as members, 155 individual companies and 14 non-profits.
Chamnon says he thinks Cambodia’s corruption situation will improve in the future.
“The government is trying to reduce the unhappy feeling from the investors as well. We have seen some good examples of how this Anti-Corruption Law was imposed and it sent a strong message for people involved in corruption activity to be more careful.
“At least they are more careful about doing this kind of activity. We should be hopeful on this positive development. It will take time to do it.
“Our mission is to support the employer to achieve the excellence in their business and management practice. We have a lawyer on staff for labour-related issues, and we keep members updated and advise them on how laws impact their business.”
Chamnon says one of CAMFEBA’s functions is to lobby on behalf of the private sector for a good business environment for all.
“The private sector can benefit from us because we have a more powerful, stronger voice to talk to the government. Business can also benefit from it and the general public can also benefit from it. If CAMFEBA does not lobby for business, government might put in some policy the business whereby cannot grow and job creation cannot happen. We lobby not only for business but also for the public,” he said.
To reserve a place for the event, people may contact Tep Sophoan on 012 634 055 or email marketing@camfeba.com. Accredited members of the media may attend without dinner free of charge if they present their credentials.
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